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timminchin.com is updated by Tim
and the wonderful Shell.

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Tim is one of 63 comedians interviewed for the new three-part documentary series Stop Laughing…This Is Serious, which starts at 9pm this Wednesday on ABC.

The series, narrated by Eric Bana, explores the development of Australian comedy through social and political change, inter-weaving extensive archive material and intimate interviews with some of the country’s best loved comedians, revealing how humour, laughter and comedy are integral to Australian national identity.

Episode 1: ‘Faark, Faark’ looks upwards at those in authority and “punching upwards”.
Wednesday, March 25th at 9pm

Episode 2: ‘Look at Moi, Look at Moi’ looks inwards at the importance of the Australian ability to laugh
at themselves.
Wednesday, April 1st at 9pm

Episode 3: ‘Hello Possums’ looks at Australian comedy on the world stage.
Wednesday, April 8th at 9pm


Ros on 6th of April 2015

Well done to be chosen for this on Australian television – your home country, where your roots are and where you intend to return. Any way of seeing it in England spoken by a very non technical me!

Susan Harrison on 27th of March 2015

Is this only viewable in Australia? I looked on our ABC listings in the USA (San Francisco specifically) for last Wednesday and also this coming Wednesday and could not find it there. Could you please let me know? Thanks so much…

Willie Industrialvamp Roman on 24th of March 2015

Wooo go Tim Minchin!

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