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Are you looking for How to Increase the Organic Traffic on Facebook, here we share with you 5 ways to increase traffic on your Facebook fan page.

In the starting Facebook has created for the students, but now it’s become the of the best advertising place of all. When the creator of the Facebook adds some “Pages” option into it, after that most of the companies, brand and many people start creating their Facebook fan page and advertise their product on it and they get huge repose.

How to Increase the Organic Traffic on Facebook

How to Increase the Organic Traffic on Facebook

But now a days this method become very tough for the people, because the competition is too high. Because everyone creates a page on the Facebook, but they don’t have enough likes on the page, that is why they don’t get the traffic on the page.

The people of today’s world are very smart, they only like that page which is helpful for them or from where they get useful information. So here we share with you some tips and ideas, so that you can increase your Facebook fan page like and also get organic traffic on the page.

Tips to Increase the Organic Traffic on Facebook:

Facebook is Competitive: First thing you have to know that now days Facebook become very competitive. People only like that page from which they get useful information. So here our first motive is to get more and more like on the Facebook fan page. According to Facebook algorithm, they allow only that content most in the search engine which have a photo, link and content status in the post. So make your social media posting full of all these three things and you get better results in the Facebook.

Facebook Don’t Like Free Promotion: Now days user of Facebook only like those pages from which they get useful information. So best thing is always posting some great content, which attract to people or post something informational.

If you do like these, people like your post and also share it and that also increases your social media traffic.

Create Killer Content: We all heard that, create killer content and this content is also helpful in increase your traffic. But the question is that “what is killer content?”. Killer content means content which is full of information, picture media, video and also attractive. People love to read these types of content. This method also increases your Facebook traffic and according to the experts high quality content also increase CTR (Click Through Rate) , which generate the more share and like on your fb fan page.

Always Use Facebook Insights: Facebook insights also help you to get more idea about from where you get more like which part of your Facebook fan page is strong and which is part is weak. From here you can also get an idea about the total likes, total reach, total visits, post analyzes which post get more like and reach and people location, gender or language. These stats also help you to make strategist to get more like on Facebook fan page.

Facebook Insight

Facebook Insight

Use Competitor Insights: If you are in the top in your niche, then you learned many things about the competition on Facebook pages. There are also many tools present online which is also helps you to get analyses the competition of your fan page. Simply Measured, Quintly, Social Bakers and Buzzsumo are the name of tools which can help you to get identify performance and content keywords and topic competition and brand name competition.

Buzzsumo, How to Increase the Organic Traffic on Facebook

Buzzsumo helps you analyses visits, likes on your page

Buying Page Likes: You can also buy like on your page, this method is also helps you to increase traffic on the page. But method only used by big brands, but you can also invest small money for getting thousand of like on your fan page.

Stealing Other People’s Work: You can also steal other people work, how they post their status on social media, how they get traffic, their promotional ideas and many other things, which is all depends on you.

Don’t Be Lazy: Sometimes when people start getting likes on the page, they left their work, they not update social media posting regularly, which also affects the traffic on your page.

Conclusion: If you put all these strategies together, you are really going to get more likes on your fan page. We hope that all these strategies about How to Increase the Organic Traffic on Facebook helps you. If you have any question about it you can ask by commenting in the comment box.

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