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Google always changes their SEO strategies with the time for different thing like, SEO, PPC, Keyword optimization. Today in this article we are going to discuss the Keywords Optimization Strategies in 2015.

Keywords Optimization Strategies in 2015

Keywords Optimization Strategies

In this article we are going to discuss about on different topics like, how we optimize our keywords in a better way, type of content which is helpful in optimizing the keyword. According to the latest algorithm of Google, they give preference to those websites which have good quality content and long articles and mobile friendly websites.

  • Long and Quality Content: Few years back, when we are writing content on our blog, we just write simple and small content and we also ranked in the Google SERPs, at the present time Google algorithms are changed now. If you are writing a content in your website is not equally content and thin content you can not rank in Google searches. So, first thing is writing long and quality content in your website.
  • Focus Keyword: Most of people write content for their blog on focusing on the single keyword, but their content is not enough to rank their article in the Google. So, the second thing is that when you write content according to rank a single keyword, you have to write a long article and you get better results in search engine.
  • Keyword Density: According to the experts, you can put keyword density of 1 to 3 % in your article, more than this, it comes in keyword stuffing.
  • Put a short title, about 50 to 55 characters for your article.
  • Write good meta description about 150 to 160 words.
  • Write articles on the LSI keywords (Latent Semantic Indexing Keywords)

We hope that these points going to help you a lot, if you have any question regarding the Keywords Optimization Strategies in 2015, you can ask in the comment box. You can give your suggestion.

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