Choosing the Correct Quadripod Walking Aid for Patients

Walking sticks improves a person’s mobility. It helps people of all ages to maintain a healthier and active lifestyle. It can benefit a person’s health by giving them better balance. It lessens the stress on the body and relieves join pain. Elderly use it to move around better and for the things they need to do. It can give a person more confidence and is beneficial for people of all ages. It minimizes weight from the legs, back, knees, hips and ankles and makes feel less tired and more energized in day to day activities. As people get older, they become more likely to have difficulty walking independently, and the risk of falls increases. The appropriate use of walking aids can help provide stability and safety in some elderly people with mobility problems. Mobility aids include canes, crutches, and walkers.

Mobility Aid are adaptive equipment devices used to increase independent mobility for special needs children and adults with disabilities or are recovering from injury. Variety of mobility aids, from pediatric rollators to walkers and crutches that provide the opportunity for improved walking ability.

Vissco Invalid U-Shape Quadripod Walking Stick

Vissco Invalid U-Shape Quadripod Walking Stick
  • Our Price :Rs 638
Need a helping hand when you walk around? The Invalid quadripod walking stuck u shape is widely used for greater balance as weight is also applied. It helps direct load through the arms and the walking aid, lowering the impact and static forces transmitted to the affected limbs.

Impaired balance Walking Disorders Injury or disorder of spine Stroke Chronic osteoarthritis of knee.

Vissco Invalid U-Shape Quadripod Walking Stick Features
  • Rigid Support  
  • Universal Fit 
  • Adjustable Support 

Walking aids are developed to provide comfort to people who experience discomfort and pain while walking. Walking Stick Quad Foot are walking aids designed to give stability to physically challenged and old individuals. These sticks are made from special grade aluminum, which provides strong support while walking. These sticks have features low metal bases, and comfortable hand grips. Most designs have lock pin height features, which helps to adjust the stick to a comfortable height.
Quadripod Walking Stick
  • Our Price :Rs 750

Benefits of Quadripod Walking Sticks
  • Lightweight
  • Broad Base with four legs that provides good stability
  • Anti-slip Properties

Quadripod Walking Stick
  • Aluminum tubing with steel welded low base
  • Comfortable hand grip
  • Height adjustable: 71.5-94.3cm
  • Base size: 18-22cm

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