The Benefits of Folding Walking Stick Cane

A walking cane is probably the most common mobility device prescribed for seniors. When used properly, a walking cane will increase the base of support and reduce strain on the legs and back as it helps move forward. A walking cane requires to have enough strength in the arm, since the arm must partially support the body’s weight. A slight problem with balance or instability, some weakness in the leg or some pain from a condition like rheumatoid arthritis, a cane may be enough to help compensate and provide support.

Folding walking canes provide with the convenience of carrying the cane in a compact manner wherever go. Folding walking canes includes models that are perfect for regular or temporary use. Folding canes can also add to the outfit with the multitude of styles and colors that they come in. Folding canes allow the user the ability to tuck the cane away when not in use then, just as easily, deploy at a moment's notice. Variety of options when it comes to folding canes so users can match certain features to their needs. Folding Stick are available in unique grips and styles as well as unique features like fold-out seats and stools. Folding canes typically are collapsible and are simply segmented and folded. Number of reputable brands of folding canes that are made of durable materials for daily use.

Folding canes are growing in popularity and selection. They can fold into less than 10 to 12 inches in length and can be easily stored in a purse or briefcase. Many folding models come with their own wrist strap, removable rubber tip and carrying case that looks like a fine quality cosmetic bag. Folding walking sticks are now available in new fashionable designs for men and women. Folding walking sticks for men and women in height adjustable designs, patterned and plain. Derby handles and elegant designs. Most fold into a pouch or hand bag, some are 3 fold and some are 4.

Folding Walking Stick Features
Folding Walking Sticks
  • Our Price :Rs 558
  • Easy to collapse and put together
  • Only has four pieces
  • Stylish, come in 17 different colors
  • Good for both men and women
  • Comes with a waterproof carry bag to save space
  • Adjustable to your heigh

Folding Walking Stick Cane
  • 10/5 section height adjustable
  • Adjustable length: 68.5-91.3cm/ 81-91cm
  • Ergonomic plastic handle
  • 4 section folding
  • Tubecolor Copper

The Tripod Sticks is the perfect solution for the elderly, the physically challenged, or patients who have trouble walking, or standing. The tripod name comes from three robust legs, which provide balance and stability. The barrel and the handle are contoured and shaped to provide even weight distribution. The barrel has holes, allowing the user to adjust the height of the stick as per convenience.
Tripod Walking Stick
  • Our Price :Rs 740

Tripod Walking Stick
  • Aluminum tubing with steel welded low base
  • Comfortable hand grip
  • Height adjustable: 71.5-94.3cm
  • Base size: 18-22cm

Features of tripod walking sticks are given below:
  • Heavy duty ferrules at the ends of each leg
  • Anti-slipping handle provides easy grip
  • Ideal for use indoors as well as outdoors.

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