01 Feb

Taking care of your roof is just as important, if not more, as taking care of the inside of your home. However, most people neglect it with too few inspections and too little maintenance. Here are the things you should know about maintaining your roof, so it will last as long as possible and protect your family.

Inspect it often

You should inspect your roof every spring and fall to look for possible problems. After a hard winter, you may need some roof repairs, and you want to check for any problems before leaving it for the winter too. If you find anything that concerns you, call Spokane roofing experts out, and they can take a look at it for you. It is also a good idea to have a professional inspect your roof before buying a new home and every few years after that. Even if you do your own regular inspections, a professional can find things you may have missed on your own.

Different roofs mean different maintenance

Not every roof is the same. They all have different maintenance requirements. Here are some things to know:

  • A flat roof requires that you re-caulk about every five years to prevent water from leaking in anywhere. Re-caulking is also something you’d want to do if you have any sunroofs in your home to keep them from letting in water. Water damage, if left untreated, can cause a lot more problems, so it is important to do your inspections and recaulk it.
  • While tile roofing can last forever, the underlayment beneath it can decay much quickly. You need to get it inspected regularly to see if it needs to get replaced. Ultimately, the underlayment is what is protecting your home, so keep up with it to ensure you are safe.
  • With asphalt shingles, you need to have an inspection done every few years to see if anything needs to get replaced. On your own, you should always be on the lookout for signs of a roof that needs to get replaced. Look for bald spots on the shingles or brittle shingles that are breaking on their own. If you find pieces of shingles in your driveway and gutters, that is a good sign that you are nearing the end of the roof’s life. If you have any concerns, call a Spokane roofing expert to come take a look at it it for you.

Home improvement news brought to you by bartonroof.com


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