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Solar Roofing Options

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Having a solar roof is a good way to help the environment. We’ll never run out of sun rays, and if we do, you’ll have bigger problems than a lack of electricity. But it is also helpful because it will decrease your bills and keep your power on even when someone runs into a power line. It is a much more reliable way to run your heater in the winter to keep your family warm. There are a number of positive reasons to get a solar roof, and Spokane roofers know exactly how to help you with them. But what exactly are the solar options available to you?


The traditional method of solar energy right now is panels. They have come a long way from the big, bulky panels they used to sell a few years ago. Now, they are sleek, beautiful, and strong. The biggest downside to getting solar panels is that they can be a big eyesore. Of course, your neighbor’s home values only increase as more of your neighbors get solar panels, but they definitely don’t look great, especially if you have black panels up against a light-colored or brown roof.


The other option is to get solar tiles in place of your regular roofing materials. A fairly new option, solar tiles don’t have any aesthetic issues and are just as efficient as panels. Tesla solar panels, for example, are amazing in that each panel sucks in the electricity from the sun’s rays. On top of that, they look just like regular roofing tiles, including a variety of different styles. They are also just as strong as regular roofing tiles and may last even longer.

The downside to getting them is that the tinting on the tiles can cause it to get less efficiency, so you may not get quite as much power on cloudy days as you would when it is sunnier outside.

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on Feb 16, 17