

Welcome to a new feature where I recommend a track for you to wrap your ears around. This week for your aural pleasure is Father John Misty’s “Ballad of a Dying Man” from his latest album “Pure Comedy.”

The brilliance of this song was vividly highlighted to me yesterday morning. I was just about to begin my morning meditation and the first thing my brain wanted me to do was check my Facebook page. I was attempting meditation, an allegedly relaxing pursuit, but I have apparently been programmed (by an algorithm designed by Mark Zuckerberg? Or a “dark ad” paid for by a Tory sponsored Hedge Fund?) to check my social media first. Thankfully I resisted and carried on with my reflections and started the day in a calm frame of mind. This experience is echoed brilliantly through the words of Father John.

“Eventually the dying man takes his final breath

But first checks his news feed to see what he’s ’bout to miss.”

This is what Father John Misty does so well, distilling the ills of mankind into poetry and beautiful melody.


John x

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