Factor #1- Involved Full Body Movement
Why bother training your body by isolating muscle parts when you can work them all in one go? Unlike certain exercise approach, kettlebell training does not specifically target certain muscle groups. Instead, it trains the body to be functional by moving with maximum efficiency and minimize energy leakage through full body movement. In other words, it teaches the body to move as a functional unit. Because kettlebell workout is a whole-body training, no muscle parts are spared and you will find that your body will burn fat in high gear. Talking about time-efficiency you work more parts of your body in short amount of time with kettlebell training.
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Factor #2 - Fast Muscle Contraction in Ballistic Kettlebell Moves Burn High Amount of Calories During and After Exercise
Explosive muscle contraction with resistance training consumed more calories than slow muscle contraction during exercise as shown in studies. In fact, it is found that explosive muscle contraction in resistance training such as kettlebell workout caused more post-workout metabolism than slow muscle contraction. This is because of the preferential muscle activation of fast-twitch fiber which cost between 3 to 4 times more calories than activation of slow-twitch muscle fiber. If your aim is to lose fat fast, then the rapid muscle contraction in ballistic kettlebell exercises such as swings, snatches or cleans are perfect for quick fat loss. They will get you to burn more calories and cause more post-workout energy consumption. Why would you do a workout that is 3 to 4 times slower in burning fat when you can burn fat fast with kettlebell training?
Factor #3 - Intense Resistance Training Increases Post-Exercise Metabolism
Intense resistance training increases Excess Post Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) also known as "afterburn" which refers to the oxygen required to burn fuel to return the body to normal state. The longer the EPOC the better because you take advantage of the fat-burning effects after an intense resistance training. Unlike steady-state aerobic activity such as jogging and walking, kettlebell training which a form of intense resistance training can cause high level of metabolic disturbances that results in up to 48 hours of EPOC.
RELATED: How to Design Your Own Kettlebell Workout
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/6602868