Do you want the best firm butt exercises which dissolve cellulite and tighten your glutes? What woman wouldn't want to have a bottom which is tight and toned. I want to share with you 6 exercises which can dramatically strengthen your back side and lower body.
Romanian Dumbbell Lift
- Stand straight, holding a dumbbell in your left hand, with your feet at shoulder width apart.
- Lift your right leg up and back with your knee straight and lean your torso forward, until your torso and right leg form a straight line and are parallel to the floor.
- You should feel the tension in your right hamstring and glute, and when you do, swing your leg back down and stand back straight up.
- Repeat with each leg 10 times.
Sumo Squats
- So stand with your feet a step more than shoulder width apart.
- Utilizing the weight of a barbell or dumbbells if you want to make the exercise more difficult, tighten your abs and squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
- Slowly stand back up and repeat for two sets of 10 squats each.
Explosive Lunge
- Start in a typical lunge pose, with your right foot forward and bent 90 degrees at the knee and your left foot extended behind your body.
- Tighten your core and propel yourself upwards with your right foot, so that you are jumping in the air.
- Switch feet mid-jump and land in a lunge, with your left foot forward.
- Repeat for two sets of 5 reps each.
The Explosive Lunge is a high intensity exercise, but it also gets results quickly – while it is great to practice once or twice a week, be sure to keep your routine within personal limits.
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See also: Lunge Squat Combo
Bicycle Crunches
Secondly, place your hands behind your head and your legs in the air in a bent L shape position.
Thirdly, bring your right elbow to your left knee and at the same time extend the right leg.
Fourthly, return to your original position. Now do the exact opposite of what you've just done. Bring your left elbow to your right new while extending your left leg.
Finally, repeat these steps for as many repetitious as possible. Remember to perform this workout slowly, this will ensure that you are maximising tension on the abdominal muscles.
V Sit-Ups
While traditional crunches and sit-ups only work the upper abs, V sit-ups target the lower abs as well.
- Begin on your back with your arms extended over your head and your legs straight out on the ground.
- Pull your arms forward while you lift your shoulders off of the ground.
- At the same time, keep your lower back on the ground and pull your legs upwards to meet your arms.
- Pause and gently lower back to the ground.
- Repeat.
Flutter Kicks
- Lie on your back on the ground with your legs fully extended.
- Place your arms along your sides with your hands under your butt, palms against the floor.
- Tighten your abs and lift your heels off the floor approximately six to eight inches.
- Scissor your right leg up so that it forms a 60-degree angle with the ground, then begin flutter kicking your legs, so that you drop your right leg toward the ground as you lift your left leg up into the air at a 60-degree angle. Make sure you initiate these movements from your abs, keeping your lower back flush to the ground and your core tight.
- Continue flutter kicking for 30 to 60 seconds.
Russian Twists
The Russian twist is a great exercise for giving your tummy a much-needed workout. The best way to do it is with a ball. Hold it in front of you with both hands while sitting on the floor. Turn one direction in a 45 degree angle. Your back and core should be straight, and your abdomen should do the twisting. You should be really feeling it there when you go to the side. Go 45 degrees one way, and then do it the other way.
The above mentioned exercise are just a tip of the iceberg. If you've never done any of these mentioned exercises, make sure to use light weights until you get used to holding a much heavier weights or barbell overhead. Mix these exercise with any cardio workouts you have and in no time, you will be ready to wear your bikini.