Bodyroll Shaper Machine - Bodyrolling

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Although roll massage is a pleasant and refreshing procedure that you would like to enjoy at any time, it is worth paying attention to the procedure before you proceed and you do not have any of the contraindications below. Otherwise, the health-improving procedure may be reversed, harmful to health.

 Otherwise, the health-improving procedure may be reversed, harmful to health

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Roll-up masseuse contraindications are:

- Acute inflammatory disease (flu, fever)

- Infectious disease (jaundice, tuberculosis, etc.)

- Skin and / or venereal disease

- Acute nerve damage (after trauma or surgery)

- Fresh wounds, recent bleeding, blistering

- Tumors / Tumor suspicion

- Thyroid diseases

- Affective psychological states (anger, stress, neuroscience, mutism)

- Acute renal failure

- Acute liver failure

- Risk of discontinuation of pregnancy

- Acute trauma (fracture, rupture, rupture)

- Large birthmarks or bruises in the massaging area

- Acute heart failure (arrhythmia, infarction, valve failure, myocardial inflammation)

- High, unstable blood pressure

- Varicose veins or vein inflammation in the massaged area

If you are interested, please contact us 0499787121 and we will be happy to answer your questions at

Bodyroll Shaper Machine - BodyrollingWhere stories live. Discover now