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Living Is So Big (LISB)...

a life appreciation movement.

On April 10th, 2010 their views on living life were forever changed when seventeen year old Christopher, made the decision that he no longer had any reason to live and tried to end his life due to his depression.

Living Is So Big started as a campaign. Only a "handful" of reasons to live life were simply not enough. Jesus Agudo and Iliana Agudo were going to take whatever steps necessary to change their son's perception on life and wanting him to live life to the fullest.

So, a plea for help went out: "Please send us your priceless thought so that we can show him the many reasons to live for."... (Learn More Here)

Atlanta, GA

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Fan made video

2010 Living Is So Big Song 1 by Chris Agudo:

2016 Living Is So Big Song 2 by friends:

2012 Living Is So Big Song 3 Lewis Family:


"Mynifest is a platform that helps people achieve a goal with the knowledge of how to, step by step. Mynifest educates the individual to be successful with achieving their goal. One can manifest by happen-chance without knowing how, but to Mynifest is to make us accountable for achieving our desires."

The derivation of Mynifest is derived from the words "My" and "Manifest".

"Making the Realization of all uplifting and satisfying moments is what gives you the Power of Life Appreciation." – Jesus Agudo

"It was wonderful having Iliana and Jesus speak at Boston University; their vigor for life and passion behind LISB was apparent throughout their entire presentation. They were glad to share their intimate experiences with others who asked about the LISB wristbands or who had witnessed their presentation.

LISB is all about recognize how beautiful life is, and it was hard to walk around afterwards without a smile on your face. Thanks again! "

-Christina (Rosie) Bauder
Boston University
College of Arts and Sciences
Boston, MA

"From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for coming and speaking to my students. Once again your presentation had a very big positive influence on them.

There are so many people in need + you + your family have touched so many lives." 

-Veronica Bohomolec
Patterson, NJ

"The organization, Living Is So Big, LLC, has presented here at Harrison High School. Their message of "Life Appreciation" has truly reached so many and we are pleased to have had them here.

Rarely have I seen our students react so positively to Jesus' Chris' and Iliana's message. They are inspirational, informative, and engaging and their commitment to our youth is truly amazing! I would recommend them as presenters to any group of students!" 

-Joan McNichol, MA, SAC
Harrison Public Schools
Harrison, NJ