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00:00 / 05:44
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While quick tongued MCs are not a new phenomenon, Nomadic Wax has worked with rapid fire lyricists who possess some of the most unique flows in the world. Connecticut-based Ceschi teams up on this one of a kind collaboration with three of Africa’s best: Babaluku (Uganda), Yao Bobby (Togo) and MC Diamondog (Angola), and production by Dj Nio (Italy/Turkey).


Producer: Nomadic Wax

Presented by: Nomadic Wax

Exec. Producer: DJ Magee

Beat Produced by: Dj Nio (Zero Plastica) - www.djnio.net

Guitar by: Emiliano Bugatti

Lyrics by: Babaluku (Uganda), Ceschi (USA), Yao Bobby (Togo), MC Diamondog (Angola)

Mix & Mastering by: Demo @ StudioOstileGenova (Italy) www.facebook.com/Studio.Ostile/?fref=ts

Cover Design by: Dj Nio - www.djnio.net


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Nomadic Wax New York, New York

Nomadic Wax uses music, media and the arts to promote social change and cultural exchange, creates educational opportunities for people to learn about issues of global importance though media and entertainment and is a platform for socially engaged musicians, media producers and artists worldwide to spread their message and reach a global audience. ... more

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