Popular Wedding Traditions

Are you ever curious about the origins of wedding rituals and traditions? Why does the bride carry the groom over the threshold of their new home? Why are we supposed to throw rice? What are the meanings of wedding colors? In our culture, ancient traditions are so deeply ingrained that they are virtually invisible. It is time for us to uncover the roots of our American wedding rituals.

According to legend, the bridal shower was started in a village a long time ago. One poor miller's daughter wanted her to marry. However, her father did not approve of her marriage and wouldn't pay for her dowry. Friends of the daughter "showered" her generously with gifts. This was enough to provide a good dowry. Soon thereafter, the daughter was wed. This tradition is still carried out today through parties that are held in the honors of the bride. Even though there's no need to give dowries anymore, guests still bring gifts. This gives the couple what they need to start their lives together Matrimonial Sites.

"Something old,something new,something borrowed,something blue" Did you hear this rhyme? Are you familiar with this rhyme? While many brides still wear or carry these items as they walk down to the altar, the reason behind them may not be obvious. These items are bestowed on the bride to be talismans and attach good qualities to her as she enters marriage. "Something Old" symbolizes wisdom. This is a quality many young brides don’t have yet. It is also symbolic of the bride's origin family. She is leaving it, but she will keep it in her heart and symbolically. "Something New" represents the new family she's starting with this marriage. It used to represent an alliance between two households. "Something borrowed", is a gift given to the bride by a happy married woman in hopes that the woman's positive energy will be transferred onto the bride. It all started in ancient Rome. The color blue was used by Virgins to indicate love, fidelity, constancy, and faithfulness. This is a fine quality for any marriage. It is also associated in Christianity with the Virgin Mary.

He will sweep you off your feet if you fall in Love, and hold you close until you are married. This tradition is rooted in many ancient superstitious traditions to ward off evil spirits. They can't enter the wedding with the bride if they don't cross the threshold. In an age where a certain amount of hesitation about entering into a marriage was popular, the symbol became a sign of modesty. The symbol now represents a new beginning for the young couple.

Queen Victoria's decision to wear a white wedding dress to her wedding changed the fashion. It has been a popular trend to this day. Prior to that, brides wore only their best wedding gowns. White represents purity and virginity, and has its roots in the protection of evil.

To imbue a bride with fertility, the ancient practice of putting sweet bread over her head led to us establishing our tradition of sharing sweet cakes at weddings. The sharing of the cake is another symbol for fertility and longevity. It is also symbolic of the union of bride-groom and touches on the tradition for holy communion, which symbolizes consuming your beloved's body.