
A much welcomed and fairly lengthy email from Cam of the much loved hidden shoal imprint reached us from afar, well Australia, to touch base and include an assortment of download lovelies currently demurring one and all plucked from their well heeled catalogue. Now old time observers may well recall the wares of hidden shoal frequently gracing the lines of our former singled out missives some years back. Anyhow Cam kindly sent a wealth of downloads for us to be seduced by – among the list new stuff by Monocle, jumpel, tangled star, Liam singer and the I razor soundtrack. All will be featured in varying degrees the next missive out however in time honoured fashion and us being awkward blighters we’ve casually side stepped those for now what with the appearance on our player of the kramies. ’the wooden heart’ comes prized from the EP of the same name which is due for release next month via hidden shoal, alas not the Presley tat of old but something seductively shimmered and sugar spun in swathes of dream draped demur. Pressed upon celestial arcs that usher in distant memories of the mercurial melodic musings of slowdive and chapterhouse at their most fragile and angelic peaks, ’the wooden heart’ is wrapped longingly in snow bursting showers of dream dipped porcelain signatures so intricately woven, airless and frail that you fear they will shatter just by your closeness in earshot of them, a beautified aural apparition teased in yearning introspection and sweetly glazed in the kind of unworldly rapture that suggests its author is well versed in the songbook craft of the crimea and mirror mirror.

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