The Dave Gunning Zero Hunger Campaign is designed to raise funds to stock School Free Stores throughout Nova Scotia.
Schools have become more than just a place to learn the basics of math, science, reading, and writing and this is especially true for schools in more rural areas. 1 in 5 students in many regions in Nova Scotia lives at, or below, the poverty line. This creates challenges that can’t be overcome with the traditional services and structures of schools.
With many services either in more “urban” areas or satellite services are not consistently accessible in the community, schools are a piece of the puzzle to ensure students and their families have what they need to succeed. The Free Store emerged from this need allowing students and their families access to food and personal items for free. However, the success of the Free Store comes from the generous donations from community members, even school staff, students and their families.
Will you donate today to help us stock School Free Stores – so kids and their families can get the food and other supplies they need to be happy, healthy?
Right now, about 80% of our rural schools have Free Stores. But 100% of our schools need them. High schools, middle schools, elementary schools… kids and families everywhere are struggling.
Oftentimes, people in rural communities don’t have access to the same level of services offered in urban areas. That’s why having these Free Stores in rural schools is so important.
Any gift you give, no matter the size, will have huge benefits for kids and families struggling to make ends meet. The impact of your kindness will be felt across our entire region. And your big-hearted gift of $5,000 will open a new Free Store in a rural school so even more families in our communities can get help.
“Over the years I’ve visited lots of schools throughout the Province and I’ve spoken to many teachers who’ve shared their concern about the growing number of hungry students,” says Gunning, who shares their concern. “What I really like about this program is that it offers a way for students to discreetly take food home to their families. It’s like a little food-bank distributed through the schools.” Gunning hopes that people will continue to step up and make donations and he’s encouraged by the support so far and hitting the halfway mark. -Dave Gunning