DON'T LET HIS SACRIFICE BE IN VAIN During this Easter Season, we celebrate the resurrection of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Easter Sunday or what some cal



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During this Easter Season, we celebrate the resurrection of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Easter Sunday or what some call Resurrection Sunday is typically the most well attended Sunday service of the year for Christian churches. Many will dress up and feel the need to acknowledge this tradition by coming to church. Although we know that according to scripture, Jesus was raised from the dead three days after his death on the cross, this doesn’t mean it was just for one day but everyday of our lives as believers.

Through his death by crucifixion, burial, and resurrection, Jesus paid the penalty for sin, thus purchasing, for all who believe in him, eternal life in Christ Jesus. I encourage you during Passover Week, to reflect on your relationship with God through Christ Jesus. Remember this death and resurrection, and in doing so, you walk in the grace that He so willingly paid for on that brutal day. Don’t let His sacrifice be in vain. Accept God’s love for your life and draw closer to Him, as He desires to draw close to you. May you and your family have a Happy Easter Holiday!


Special Easter Service TOMORROW at 10:30am

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Join us for a SPECIAL service celebrating the Resurrection of Christ. We'll have an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids and a special presentation so bring the entire family! Let's celebrate what's important. Get there early for a good seat!

Log on to for more information on all of these events and more!


Miramar Cultural Center

2400 Civic Center Place

Miramar, FL 33025

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