For those who don't know about the show WhoDunnit? let me recap for you guys. WhoDunnit is a murder mystery show like Clue. All the contestants are invited to live in this lavish house for several weeks but in that time each one of the contestants will be bumped off in the most extreme way. To survive the killer and his/her extreme killing ways they have to solve each contestants murder and describe the murder as well as tell the who the murderer is (the murderer is one of the contestants if you haven't figured this out by now). There are always 3 designated areas of interest to look at: The Morgue, The Last Known Whereabouts, and the actual Crime Scene. Gather as many clues as you can in the time allotted. Afterward there is time to gather as much information from other contestants (if they are willing to share) and conclude who is the killer and what their weapon of choice was. Then you are taken to a den to convey to the killer your findings. Who ever is the closest to solving the crimes will be saved. Who ever makes a mistake will be up for elimination. In terms of WhoDunnit? they will be "Scared". During each dinner (after a murder) every contestant will receive a card in an envelope revealing if they are up for elimination or safe. The card will read SCARED or SPARED. If the card reads scared then the killer is targeting you for a potential murder. At the end of the game its a race against time and 2 other contestants to resolve who actually is the murderer and win $250,000.

Last season the murderer was an ex-beauty queen named Cris. Even the executive producer didn't know who the murderer was until the very end. It was a crazy, wild ride that resulted in a social media frenzy. The winner was a homeland security attorney named Kam. I wasn't really feeling him. He was arrogant and pushy but I have to admit he was smart, true and real. And I can definitely respect that. Kam created a group and made sure he had at least one person at each area of interest. Then afterward he would meet with his team and link up the information found. Usually Kam's team would dominate because of his ability to get a person at each crime scene could interpret the evidence keep the information away from people who were not their team.
I was infatuated with WhoDunnit? I was wrong about who the murderer was because I was trying to think outside of the box and not be too obvious. Cris never received a Scared card and found almost all of the secondary crimes scenes on every challenge. I thought it was too obvious to be her. It couldn't have been Cris. So I went with someone else and it turns it out it was Cris all along. Next time I will trust my instincts.
Well either way I can't wait for the next season!
If you think your the Horatio Cain or Grissom or Mac Taylor then follow this link to the Whodunnit? Auditions on the Castingcallhub!
WhoDunnit? Sundays @ 9 PM Eastern on ABC (this is subject to change)
Source: ABC
I was infatuated with WhoDunnit? I was wrong about who the murderer was because I was trying to think outside of the box and not be too obvious. Cris never received a Scared card and found almost all of the secondary crimes scenes on every challenge. I thought it was too obvious to be her. It couldn't have been Cris. So I went with someone else and it turns it out it was Cris all along. Next time I will trust my instincts.
Well either way I can't wait for the next season!
If you think your the Horatio Cain or Grissom or Mac Taylor then follow this link to the Whodunnit? Auditions on the Castingcallhub!
WhoDunnit? Sundays @ 9 PM Eastern on ABC (this is subject to change)
Source: ABC