chocolate city

In the Works...Chocolate City (Urban Magic Mike) Is Coming to a Theater Near You!

7/04/2014 11:25:00 PM

With all the drama, excitement and absolute love surrounding Magic Mike's success (BTW: there is a sequel coming out soon!), it was only a small amount of time before and urban version of the movie would coming to a DVD or hopefully fingers crossed a theater near you.

I have yet to sit down and watch Magic Mike all they way through. I love Channing Tatum but I gotta admit I wasn't as into the movie as I thought I would be. The eye candy of Joe Manganiello (True Blood, One Tree Hill), Channing Tatum (22 Jumpstreet, The Vow, White House Down), Adam Rodriguez (Delco! - CSI Miami, I Can Do Bad ALL By Myself), Matt Bomer (Neal Caffrey, White Collar!), Alex Pettyfer (Endless Love, I Am Number 4)  Kevin Nash (Big Sexy! Any wrestling fans out there? LOL, DOA: Dead or Alive) and of course Matthew McConaughey (Dallas Buyers Club, MUD) was enticing. I mean come on these guys are very attractive. But with that being said the movie was geared toward the style of a Chippendales type of thing and that just wasn't appealing to me.

Chocolate City will be the complete opposite of Magic Mike. It has to be. Because the world of Exotic Dancing for the Males is a whole other ball game. It's a multi-million dollar business. Women pay thousands of dollars to see their favorite guys dance. Its seedy, gritty, sexy, and very very raunchy!  I'm assuming for the movie it will be cleaned up a bit but do some research on facebook, YouTube and Google. You will find an abundance of videos and photos of male exotic dancers who take it to the max! Full frontal nudity, partial nudity, sexual suggestion, oh my goodness it would make a nun PASS OUT!

Anyway Chocolate City will star Michael Jai White, Tyson Beckford (You know I've never found him attractive? He's not what I would consider sexy. But whatever works for the rest of the world I guess.), along with Romeo Miller in the leading role (still unsure if this is fully true gotta do some more research) and Eruika Pratt will play his love interest. Jean-Claude LaMarre will also star and direct in this film. If your unsure of who Jean-Claude LaMarre is he is a popular Indie film director. He directed Gang of Roses I and Gang of Roses II: The Next Generation. His latest film was Color of the Cross.

So here's the basic synopsis of the film:

Chocolate City will follow the life of a young college kid named Devin. Who gets enthralled in the seedy world of Male Exotic Dancing because his money troubles. He runs into the owner of a male strip club who convinces him to try out for amateur night. One night and Devin is hooked on money and the sea of screaming women. But in that time Devin makes a strong enemy in Adrian the former star attraction. Adrian begins to see his star fading and knows that his time is running out as long as Devin is still in play. Devin struggles to juggle his relationship with his girlfriend Carmen, school and his new found fame. But most of all he's having an internal battle himself. Religiously this is wrong and he knows he shouldn't be doing it. But the money is good and he just can't seem to keep himself away. Eventually Devin will have to chose: Will it be money, fame, and popularity? Or will it be Carmen, religion, and peace of mind?

Devin - Romeo Miller (Rumored)
Michael Jai White
Adrian - Tyson Beckford
Carmen - Eruika Pratt

According to Deadline, LaMarre has been working on this project for over 2 years (prior to Magic Mike's 2012 release) and when Magic Mike came out it reassured LaMarre Chocolate City was definitely a film that needed to be made. The basis for the film is similar. Money troubles, stripping, fame and popularity, jealous girlfriend, etc. The big glaring difference of course is the cultures and the religious aspect. Not sure on the rest of the cast. I'm sure there will be more eye candy for us gurls to drool over. LOL Guess we'll have to see how this all turns out!

Chocolate City was set to film this past June. No word on when the film will be released but I will keep you posted when it comes down!

Source: Deadline, RollingOut & MadameNoire

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