
New Music! Traci Braxton Released Her Single Last Call Off Her Upcoming Album!

7/23/2014 11:41:00 AM

One of my favorite Braxton's has released a new single. Traci Braxton released a single called Last Call. A mix between a ballad and a autotune. Traci's voice is different from her sisters Tamar and Toni. Traci has a smoother and softer voice. Allowing for her to sing very different music and stand out from the crowd. I think given the right style of music she can be a music sensation. I think Traci should stick to true R&B. I like this song Last Call. She's got great vocals but I think its being covered up by the Autotune. I hope Traci nurtures her music and grows. She's an awesome talent and I wish her nothing but the best!

Traci's new album is titled Crash and Burn. It is said to be released this fall.

Congrats Traci! You doing the dang thang!

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