Beauty and Sex

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Now, this is a great looking redhead. You know, I don't believe men were designed to love only one women. I mean, hell this redhead and the blonde in my other post I would love to have as wives. Sugar and Spice. ;)

This is another set of the beautiful and sexy Stephanie. She has a look and stride that I really like. I will be adding more of her each day. So be sure to take a look. Also stay tune, I will be adding a redhead and Asian set.

Friday, August 22, 2014

So, I have seen this beauty online. I am sure she doesn't meet the image most people like. However she is like a slick slim sports car. Tell me what you think. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

If you have been reading any of my blogs then you would have read that I am not big on the Big BOOBs vs Little BOOBs! However, I do have to give this girl here "Huge" props on her very nice tits! Color, texture, and size are near fucking perfect! Well, this is my opinion. Tell me yours or even better post your Favorite pair.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Monday, August 18, 2014

In this day in age is it really necessary for us to fall in love so young? I mean we live longer now than we did in the past. So, shouldn't we wait?

Sunday, August 17, 2014

So, what is beautiful and what is not? I see that on TV it loves to try and show and tell us what is beauty and what is not. I myself have really found it hard to say what is beautiful and what is not. I think that in some way or another a girl can be beautiful. A girl with no boobs vs a girl with big boobs. Why does this hold any ground to their beauty? Ass vs no ass, chubby vs slim. I do not want to ever say that I do not have an open mind to how a girl looks. I will say that I have a real liking for redheads. However that doesn't mean that I do not give blondes and other a look. 

I guess what I am saying is do not let anyone or any company tell you what is beautiful. Comment what you think is beautiful. Dogs, cars, girls, guys or hell, horses! No hold bars here! 
Just two I thought were ideal.