How To Promote Yourself As An Indie Band / Artist Over The Internet!

How To Promote Yourself As An Indie Band / Artist Over The Internet!

If you are a "Music Artist" desiring to have "Major Exposure" for your Band and Songs, but you only have little Promotions and Marketing funds as a budget to promote yourself and your music, Internet (the super highway) Promotion is the way to go.

There was a time India Bands had to have Major Money from Major Sources to get Major Exposure for your music… not anymore! Don't get me wrong, the Major Companies still have the major money and they can do a lot more for an Indie Band than most indie labels can. But in saying this, it doesn't mean that the independent artist should sit around and do nothing art all. As an Independent Artist you can now promote and market your own music through many Internet Outlets such as; Internet Radio, Social Media Sites, Music Blogs, Communities, Web Directories, Digital Distribution Outlets and so much more. But if you as a band don't have the time to promote yourself, or perhaps you just don't know how to, then consult with a reputable company that can help you achieve your "Major Marketing Goals" at affordable Indie prices. Promotion is a must for any Artist to excel in this world of music!

It is very encouraging and helpful to a Musician artist in promoting "Music Online", when you find that Internet & College Radio Stations will play your songs on the Radio (of course you would have to have a well-recorded song for them to play). For the "Independent Musicians and Singers", Internet Radio is definitely a savior! Your "Original Songs" can now be heard throughout the Global Market. But remember, radio is only one portion of many other outlets for the Music Artists to use, especially if their plans are to have a successful Promotions Campaign that gets Major results. It takes a lot of work to market a product and to promote a band, but the rewards are greater than the work put in. Whether you decide to do the work yourself or to hire someone else to do the work for you, it definitely needs to be done if you are going to be successful as an artist.

Placing yourself and your music on every site possible may sound like a tab bit too much, and for many it is. But if you really want to see Major results with only having low budget money, then you need to write articles, upload your music to social sites, to communities, submit to web directories, blogs…find digital distribution that will place your music in Major Online Retail Stores, network with people that might be able to help you, join organizations that provides a wealth of tips and resources that can be very beneficial to your music endeavors etc... There is no excuse! The Internet has made Major Resources a lot more accessible for Music Indie Artists to grasp, and the playing field has become more of a common ground for both the Indie and the Major labels alike. The internet is the stepping stone used now to reach Millions of possible fans, friends and music industry contacts!

For example, Independent Record Label "Bell Time Records" released "Beta Music Artist" Jelixa, and took her Cd "My Beta Music" and promoted it, and are still promoting her music on just about every music related website, blog, social media site, community site, web directory and any other internet outlet that can help better her career. As a result of the hard work being done and this artist being dedicated and committed to the journey, a lot of wonderful things has happened to her and are still happening as of this writing. Any artist can accomplish a lot if you're willing to do the time-consuming work it takes to get the job done.

Written by Michael Bell, CEO of Bell Time Records

Isabelle McClorin

Freelance Digital Artist gospe singer


Yes just what I needed to hear, that's me

Brenda Solomon

General Manager At Devine Jamz


Oh I like this here Brother Michael Bell! Thanks for the delivery and for sharing!


Great Information Dude.

Kim Milton-Mackey

CEO/Author/Inspirational Speaker & Destiny Decision Coach


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Melissa Seitz AKA Kaleo Crimson

Singer, songwriter, actress, model, host, writer


Is there some way I can keep a copy if this article for future reference?? Very good source of info btw! Thank you for looking out for all the artists out there starting out and trying to get exposure! Appreciate it!


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