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Ideal Emitter

by Able Archer

00:00 / 04:03
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This is the sixth release from Sentimental Automata. In solitude we devise the unattainable.


Stuck in the time we’ve got
Objects in symmetry
Tragically digital
See what I mean?
A head in a plastic jar wondering when to scream
Tell me I’m really yours…
And say that you’re mine
Again, again, again, again…

I couldn’t figure out what happens when you dream
But I don’t care where you’re going
As long as you come clean

I’ll give you what you want
Cuz you give it back to me
I’ll give you what you need

I couldn’t figure out what happens when you dream
But I don’t care where we’re going
Cuz I believe that you are wondrous
For you change the world as you radiate on everything
I depend on your light
We are thermal equilibrium
And you are the ideal emitter

I couldn’t figure out what happens when you dream
But I don’t care where we’re going
Cuz I believe that you are wondrous
For you change the world
As you radiate on everything
I depend on your light
We are thermal equilibrium and you are the ideal emitter

Oh you know I believe that you’re wondrous
Cuz you change the world as you radiate on everything
I depend on your light and I just can’t seem to get enough
For you are the ideal emitter
Yeah... you are the ideal emitter


released May 19, 2020
Able Archer is Matt Huesman, Chad Lindburg, and Mike Becker.
Recorded and produced by Able Archer.
Mixed and Mastered by Mike Becker at CTRL-Z Studios, Denver.
Artwork by Artifice.


all rights reserved



Able Archer Denver, Colorado

Able Archer is a trio from Denver. You can download our album The Way Machines See Us, and our first cluster of songs, titled EP01, for free. Music is our currency. The content of our new album, Sentimental Automata, will be released intermittently.

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