radioYpsilon 94,5FM
Hollabrunn, Austria
"Church of Noise"
'Aktuelles im Marz2025' new !
the show, hear indie, hardcore, metal, punk, singer/songwriter stuff, wave, etc.
you can listen to archives of 'Church of Noise' show here
please go online
3/4放送の"Church of Noise'" showのアーカイブが聴けます。チェックしてみてね :)

"Church of Noise"(Aktuelles im Marz2025)
radioYpsilon 94,5FM / Hollabrunn, Austria
DJ : Dattel

local time : Tuesday 8pm CET, 7pm GMT, Pacific 11am, Eastern 2pm, Japan Wednesday 4am

hope you keep listening to radioYpsilon 'Church of Noise'.
radioYpsilon web Listen Online
"Sunday Rock Show"
BCFM 93.2FM Bristol UK
"Rock Druid" "The Dark Place"
Rock Radio UK  new !
this is a show called "Sunday Rock Show" on BCFM 93.2FM in Bristol, UK.

the show, hear the best rock and metal, punk, pro music mainly.
NaNa's tracks, and also Shigeo Tamaru solo tracks have been broadcasted a lot on BCFM.
also our album "VOID" took seventh place on The BCFM Sunday Rockshow 'ALBUM OF THE YEAR'.(2007)

Jon Wisbyさんのブリストルのラジオ局BCFMの番組"Sunday Rock Show"です。
NaNa, Shigeo Tamaruの楽曲が多数オンエアを受けています。
(NaNaの1st album "VOID"は2007年、番組内で「ALBUM OF THE YEAR」 の内の一枚に選ばれています。)

"Sunday Rock Show"
BCFM 93.2FM / Bristol, UK
DJ : Jon Wisby

local time : Sunday 10pm (GMT, UK), 11pm CET, Pacific 2pm, Eastern 5pm, Japan Monday 7am

BCFM 93.2FM web site Listen Online

and his other shows (on Rock Radio UK) here.
Jon WisbyさんのRock Radio UKでの番組はこちらです。

"The Dark Place"
Rock Radio UK / United Kingdom
DJ : Jon Wisby

local time : Sunday 2am (GMT, UK), 3am CET, Pacific 7pm (Mar01), Eastern 10pm (Mar01), Japan 11am

"Rock Druid"
Rock Radio UK / United Kingdom
DJ : Jon Wisby

local time : Saturday 12am (GMT, UK), 1am CET, Pacific 5pm (Feb28), Eastern 8pm (Feb28), Japan 9am

hope you keep listening to BCFM and Rock Radio UK!

Rock Radio UK web site Listen Online
2.18 Shigeo's new singles 'One Second Forever' and
'All Your Words' are just released.
本日発売しました! new !
Shigeo's new singles 'One Second Forever' and 'All Your Words' are out today (2.18, the both singles are available on Apple Music, Amazon worldwide). hope you enjoy the music :)

田丸恵男の'One Second Forever' と 'All Your Words'ですが、本日(2.18)各国のApple Music, Amazonで発売になりました!

The 9th & 10th Solo-Production of Shigeo Tamaru. The style is a blend of Alt-Jazz, Jazz-Rock, Electronic Ambient.
Guitar and programming, produced by Shigeo Tamaru.

''One Second Forever'
Apple Music Amazon US Amazon UK Amazon JP Amazon FR Amazon IT Amazon ES Amazon DE
'All Your Words'
Apple Music Amazon US Amazon UK Amazon JP Amazon FR Amazon IT Amazon ES Amazon DE

One Dot Records
KKFI 105.5FM
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
"Smooth Jazzin'"
the show's archive available
for 2 weeks. new !
you can listen to archives of 'Smooth Jazzin' show on KKFI.the show's archives here.
(Saturday, January 18) available for 2 weeks, hope you check :)

2週間の間ですが、1/18放送の"Smooth Jazzin'" showのアーカイブが聴けます。チェックしてみてね :)

"Smooth Jazzin"
KKFI 90.1FM.
Kansas City, Missouri USA.
DJ : Professor Smooth Jazz

'One Second Forever' (Shigeo's new single) was aired Jan18.

hope you keep listening to "Smooth Jazzin'" show.
KKFI 90.1FM Radio web site Listen Live
Shigeo Tamaru
Now working on the next new single new !

One Dot Recordsから来年2月の発売を予定しております。また詳細のほうをこちらでお知らせします。

Shigeo Tamaru set to release his new single. It'll be launched in the middle of February 2025 from One Dot Records.
We'll update as soon as we know more.
One Dot Records
HomeGrownRadio NJ USA
"Sher Delight"
2007-2025 オンエア続行中 new !
this is a show called "Sher Delight" on Home Grown Radio in New Joursey USA.
the lovely show is having tons of indie pop and brit pop music mainly.
NaNa has been kept on played on the show since 2007. also NaNa's first album VOID came in one of the BEST ALBUM on the show.

ニュージャージーのラジオ局Home Grown Radioの番組"Sher Delight"です。
番組内で1st Albumの"VOID"がBEST ALBUMの一つに選ばれるなど、

"Sher Delight"
HomeGrown Radio NJ / New Jersey USA
DJ : Sher

local time :
USA Tuesday 12noon - 3pm Easten, 8am Pacific, UK 5pm, CET 6pm, Japan Wednesday 2am

HGRNJ Web Listen Online
WQNA -DB (WQNA 83.3 FM/SCB Radio) "Esoterica"
Springfield, Illinois USA
2025オンエア続行中 new !
this is a show called "Esoterica" on WQNA -DB (WQNA 83.3 FM/SCB Radio) in Springfield, Illinois USA.
NaNa's album tracks and solo tracks of Shigeo Tamaru are aired.

NaNaのアルバムやShigeo Tamaruのsolo楽曲がオンエアされています。

WQNA -DB (WQNA 83.3 FM/SCB Radio) / Springfield, Illinois USA
DJ : eTed Keylon

local time :
USA Tuesday 10pm - 12am central, 11pm eastern, UK 4am, CET 5am, Japan Wednesday 12pm

SCB Radio web site Listen Online WQNA-DB
KOJH 105.5FM
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
NaNa "Remember Me"
& Shigeo Tamaru ソロ楽曲
2025オンエア続行中 new !
KOJH is Jazz music station that broadcasts a variety of Jazz performance, past and present in Kansas City, Missouri.
"Remember Me", more other NaNa's tracks, and also Shigeo Tamaru solo tracks have been broadcasted a lot on the radio station since July 2018.

Kansas CityのJazz専門チャンネル KOJH FMです。
2018年7月以降、"Remember Me", 他のNaNaの楽曲、Shigeo Tamaruのsolo楽曲が多数オンエアを受けています。

KOJH 105.5FM Radio web site Listen Online

hope you also check this out here.

"Smooth Jazzin’"
KKFI 91.0 FM / Kansas City, Missouri USA
DJ : Professor Smooth Jazz
KKFI 90.1FM Radio web site
NaNa Live Performance broadcasted in the US
NaNa's unreleased live tracks are broadcasting in the US.
(The tracks were performed live in a studio)
hope you check!

未発売のライブ音源なので、興味のある方は是非チェックしてみてね :)

Vo : Chikako Watanabe /Guitar : Shigeo Tamaru /Bass : Macoto Itagaki /Dr : Kazutaka Kiritohshi
"Tokyo, Slow Down (Live)" was broadcasted on "Echoes" Pennsylvania USA
"Tokyo, Slow Down(Live)" was broadcasted on "Echoes" show that is hosted by John Diliberto.
(This time, the song is an unreleased track recorded live performance.)
Echoes is simulcast on Public Radio in the US. the show is heard on about 120 radio stations.

John DilibertoさんがDJを努めるペンシルバニアのラジオ番組"Echoes"(エコーズ)で、NaNaの楽曲"Tokyo, Slow Down"が紹介されています。(今回はライブ・パフォーマンス(未発売)のトラックです。)

Pennsylvania USA
DJ : John Diliberto

local time :
USA M-F 11pm - 1am Eastern, 8pm Pacific, UK 3am , CET 5am, Japan Next Day 12pm

Echoes Web The Public Radio Exchange (PRX) Listen Online - WXPN Listen Online - WEXT
'Tokyo, Slow Down' Apple Music 'Tokyo, Slow Down' Amazon
"All NaNa Show" Playlist
WQNA -DB (WQNA 83.3 FM/SCB Radio) "Esoterica"
Springfield, Illinois USA
July 7th, Esoterica, "All NaNa show" WQNA -DB SCB Radio, Springfield, Illinois!
thank you so much for listening to the show :) the playlist is here.
7/7の米イリノイのshow エスタリカですが、Playlistはこちら。

Perhaps It's Better (Shigeo Tamaru track)
Child's Play
Silent scream under the moonlight
Best Friends
Snake Girl
Remember Me
Primrose Path
The Plain Jane
Set Or Reset
Remember Me(Remix Version)
The cry of the wondering spirit
Non Knock Noise
Hey Boy
Remember Me(Guitar Version)

hope you keep listening to "Esoterica" show with eTed.

WQNA -DB (WQNA 83.3 FM/SCB Radio) / Springfield, Illinois USA
DJ : eTed Keylon

SCB Radio web site Listen Online WQNA-DB
WQNA -DB (WQNA 83.3 FM/SCB Radio) "Esoterica"
Springfield, Illinois USA
All NaNa Show
thank you for listening to "Esoterica" show on WQNA-DB Springfield, Illinois.
also next tuesday, our song will be broadcast on the show, July 7th.

WQNA -DB (WQNA 83.3 FM/SCB Radio) / Springfield, Illinois USA
DJ : eTed Keylon

here's your local start time :)
USA Tuesday 10pm - 12am central, 11pm eastern, UK 4am, CET 5am, Japan Wednesday 12pm

hope you keep listening to "Esoterica" show with eTed.

次週のエスタリカ(米スプリングフィールド・イリノイ、DJ : eTed Keylon) はAll NaNa Showです。是非チェックしてね!

SCB Radio web site Listen Online WQNA-DB
'Ringing Mellow' と 'Lydia' ダウンロード配信サイトの情報です。
hello everyone,
Here's an information of download site of Shigeo Tamaru's new singles 'Ringing Mellow' and 'Lydia'.
hope you enjoy the music :)

田丸恵男のニューシングル'Ringing Mellow' と 'Lydia', ダウンロード配信サイトの情報です。


Apple Music KK BOX Google Play 7digital qobuz


One Dot Records
9.24 Shigeo's new singles 'Ringing Mellow' and 'Lydia' are just released.
Shigeo's new singles 'Ringing Mellow' and 'Lydia' are out today (9.24, the both singles are available on iTunes, Amazon worldwide). hope you enjoy the music :)

田丸恵男の'Ringing Mellow' と 'Lydia'ですが、本日(9.24)各国のiTunes, Amazonで発売になりました!

The 8th & 9th Solo-Production of Shigeo Tamaru. The style is a blend of Alt-Jazz, Jazz-Rock, Electronic Ambient.
Guitar and programming, produced by Shigeo Tamaru.

'Ringing Mellow'
Apple Music Amazon US Amazon UK Amazon JP Amazon FR Amazon IT Amazon ES Amazon DE
Apple Music Amazon US Amazon UK Amazon JP Amazon FR Amazon IT Amazon ES Amazon DE

One Dot Records
Shigeo Tamaru
Now working on the next new single 

One Dot Recordsから9月末の発売を予定しております。また詳細のほうをこちらでお知らせします。

Shigeo Tamaru set to release his new single. It'll be launched in the end of September from One Dot Records.
We'll update as soon as we know more.
One Dot Records
Interview: Shigeo Tamaru of NaNa, メンバーの田丸恵男が受けたインタビューが米音楽紙「No Depression」のサイトに掲載されました。
Interview: Shigeo Tamaru of NaNa is just published on No Depression.
Hope you check.

メンバーの田丸恵男が受けたインタビューが米音楽紙「No Depression」のサイト (に掲載されています。

Remember Me - EP - Amazon US Remember Me - EP - iTunes US Remember Me - EP - Amazon JP Remember Me - EP - iTunes JP

No Depression - Interview: Shigeo Tamaru of NaNa Warner Music Japan artist page - NaNa
'NaNa unite ethereal atmospherics and bittersweet melodies on new EP' 「Remember Me」のアルバム・レビューが米音楽紙「No Depression」のサイトに掲載されています。
new review of NaNa's latest EP 'Remember Me' is just published on No Depression.
Hope you check.

「Remember Me」のアルバム・レビューが米音楽紙「No Depression」のサイト(に掲載されています。

Remember Me - EP - Amazon US Remember Me - EP - iTunes US Remember Me - EP - Amazon JP Remember Me - EP - iTunes JP "NaNa unite ethereal atmospherics and bittersweet melodies on new EP" Warner Music Japan artist page - NaNa
'Nothing After Chaos' と 'Under The Blue' ダウンロード配信サイトの情報です。
hello everyone,
Here's an information of download site of Shigeo Tamaru's new singles 'Nothing After Chaos' and 'Under The Blue'.
hope you enjoy the music :)

田丸恵男のニューシングル'Nothing After Chaos' と 'Under The Blue', ダウンロード配信サイトの情報です。


Apple Music amazon.fe KK BOX Google Play


One Dot Records
8.16 Shigeo's new singles 'Nothing After Chaos' and 'Under The Blue' are just released. 本日発売しました!
Shigeo's new singles 'Nothing After Chaos' and 'Under The Blue' are out today (8.16, the both singles are available on iTunes, Amazon worldwide). hope you enjoy the music :)

田丸恵男の'Nothing After Chaos' と 'Under The Blue'ですが、本日(8.16)各国のiTunes, Amazonで発売になりました!

The 6th & 7th Solo-Production of Shigeo Tamaru. The style is a blend of Alt-Jazz, Jazz-Rock, Electronic Ambient.
Guitar and programming, produced by Shigeo Tamaru.

'Nothing After Chaos'
iTunes JP iTunes US iTunes UK Amazon JP Amazon US Amazon UK
'Under The Blue'
iTunes JP iTunes US iTunes UK Amazon JP Amazon US Amazon UK

One Dot Records
Shigeo Tamaru 'Nothing After Chaos' and 'Under The Blue' pre-order is now available on Amazon, ニューシングルの予約販売がAmazonで始まりました!
The pre-order of Shigeo's new singles 'Nothing After Chaos' and 'Under The Blue'
are now available on Amazon. hope you check!

田丸恵男のニューシングル「Nothing After Chaos」と「Under The Blue」ですが、Amazonで予約販売が始まりました。是非チェックしてくださいね!
One Dot Records
"Sher Delight" 10 years anniversary オンエア10周年記念
Acoustic Version of RED
NaNa's tracks have been played every week on a program called 'Sher Delight' of a radio station 'HomeGrownRadio NJ' for as long as 10 years. This year May 2017 marked the 10th year since we first got an airplay on the program 2007. acoustic live version of 'RED' that were recorded for celebrating the 10th anniversary has been broadcasted.

米ニュージャージーのラジオ・ステーションHomeGrownRadio NJ の「Sher Delight」というプログラムで10年に渡り毎週NaNaの楽曲がオンエアされています。2007年からのオンエアで2017年5月で10年を迎えました。10周年を記念して収録した「RED」のアコースティックライブヴァージョンが放送されています。

"Sher Delight"
HomeGrown Radio NJ / New Jersey USA
DJ : Sher

local time :
USA Tuesday 12noon - 3pm Easten, 8am Pacific, UK 5pm, CET 6pm, Japan Wednesday 1am

HGRNJ Web Listen Online
Shigeo Tamaru
Now working on the next new single. 田丸恵男のシングルのリリースが決定しました。

One Dot Recordsから8月の発売を予定しております。また詳細のほうをこちらでお知らせします。

Shigeo Tamaru set to release his new single. It'll be launched in August from One Dot Records.
We'll update as soon as we know more.
One Dot Records
「リメンバー・ミー」"Remember Me" is now available, ダウンロード配信サイトの情報です。
ニューシングル「リメンバー・ミー」iTunes, 着うたなどダウンロード配信サイトの情報です。







Wamo! (ワーナーミュージック公式)

好評発売中です!是非チェックしてみてくださいね :)

'Remember Me' Warner Music Japan artist page - NaNa
"Remember Me" is now available in the US, Europe and Taiwan.
hi friends,
our new single 'Remember Me' is now available on the following download site in Europe and Taiwan.
also it has just started being available now in the US, it ran ahead of schedule :) please check it out.

Chikako Watanabe, Shigeo Tamaru

Amazon UK Amazon FR Amazon IT Amazon ES Amazon DE
musicMe (Fr) (Warsaw, Poland) (Germany) KKBOX (Taiwan)

USでも発売されました。予定より早く配信する事が出来ました :) 是非チェックしてみてくださいね。
iTunes USA Amazon USA Warner Music Japan artist page - NaNa
3.30 new EP 'Remember Me' released! ニューシングル
「リメンバー・ミー」 本日より各国のAmazon iTunesから発売です!
Our new single 'Remember Me' is just released.
Thank you so much for your lovely support. Hope you enjoy the music :)
NaNa / Chikako Watanabe, Shigeo Tamaru

きょう(3.30)ニューシングル "Remember Me" リリースになりました!
応援頂きました皆様ならびに関係者の方々本当にありがとうございます :)

NaNa 田丸恵男、渡辺愛子

'Remember Me'



NaNa New Single - 'Remember Me'
01 Remember Me
02 Best Friends
03 Remember Me (Remix Version)
04 Remember Me (Guitar Version) Warner Music Japan artist page - NaNa
The release of NaNa's new single 'Remember Me' was decided. ニューシングル「リメンバー・ミー」の発売が決定しました。
他の配信shopについても分かり次第ここで報告します。是非チェックしてくださいね :)

The release of NaNa's new single 'Remember Me' was decided.
It will be available on iTunes worldwide and on Amazon on 30th March 2016.
(only the US, it will be available on 30 April)
Further download shop will be informed here as soon as we get the details. hope you check :) Warner Music Japan artist page - NaNa 'Japanese Guitarist Shigeo Tamaru Redefines Alt-Jazz on Thrilling New Singles' 田丸恵男のシングル4作品の記事がNo Depressionに掲載されました。
Another new review of Shigeo Tamaru's latest four singles is just published on Jazz portal site No Depression (
Hope you check.

田丸恵男のシングル4作品の記事がNo Depressionに掲載されています。
是非チェックしてみてくださいね。 "Japanese Guitarist Shigeo Tamaru Redefines Alt-Jazz on Thrilling New Singles" Shigeo Tamaru - iTunes"
デビューEP「RED」をはじめシングル「Super Star」など、初期の4アイテムが配信にてフォーライフミュージックエンタテイメントから再発されました。レコチョク、dミュージックから購入可能です。
NaNaのデビューEP, 'RED'など、初期アイテムが配信にてフォーライフミュージックエンタテイメントから再発されました。
グートバウンス, グート/フォーライフレーベルからリリースされていたシングル、アルバムの4アイテムがレコチョク、dミュージックから購入可能になりました。



Forlife Music Entertainment FLME Artist Page - NaNa
JazzCorner News 'Japanese guitarist Shigeo Tamaru releases four thrilling new singles' 田丸恵男のシングルのレビューがJazzcorner.comに掲載されています
Shigeo Tamaru's latest four singles' review is just published on
Hope you check.


JazzCorner News 'Japanese guitarist Shigeo Tamaru releases four thrilling new singles' FB Twitter
Perhaps It's Better - iTunes Perhaps It's Better - Amazon
"Tokyo, Slow Down" was broadcasted on "Echoes" Pennsylvania USA
"Tokyo, Slow Down" was broadcasted on "Echoes" show that is hosted by John Diliberto.
Echoes is simulcast on Public Radio in the US. the show is heard on about 80 radio stations.

John DilibertoさんがDJを努めるペンシルバニアのラジオ番組"Echoes"(エコーズ)で、NaNaの楽曲"Tokyo, Slow Down"が紹介されています。

Pennsylvania USA
DJ : John Diliberto

local time :
USA M-F 11pm - 1am Eastern, 8pm Pacific, UK Next Day 4am , CET5am, Japan Next Day 1pm

Echoes Web Public Radio International
'Tokyo, Slow Down' iTunes 'Tokyo, Slow Down' Amazon
9.22 Shigeo new singles 'Perhaps It's Better' & 'Burning Man' are just released. 本日発売しました!
Shigeo's new singles 'Perhaps It's Better' and 'Burning Man' are out today (9.22, the both singles are available on iTunes, Amazon worldwide). hope you enjoy the music :)

田丸恵男の'Perhaps It's Better' と 'Burning Man'ですが、本日(9.22)各国のiTunes, Amazonで発売になりました!

The 4th & 5th Solo-Production of Shigeo Tamaru. The style is a blend of Jazz Fusion, Jazz-Rock Instrumental.
All instruments played and programming, produced by Shigeo Tamaru.

'Perhaps It's Better'
iTunes JP iTunes US iTunes UK Amazon JP Amazon US Amazon UK
'Burning Man'
iTunes JP iTunes US iTunes UK Amazon JP Amazon US Amazon UK

One Dot Records
Shigeo Tamaru 'Perhaps It's Better' and 'Burning Man' pre-order is now available on Amazon, ニューシングルの予約販売がAmazonで始まりました!
The pre-order of Shigeo's new singles 'Perhaps It's Better' and 'Burning Man'
are now available on Amazon. hope you check!

田丸恵男のニューシングル「Perhaps It's Better」と「Burning Man」ですが、Amazonで予約販売が始まりました。是非チェックしてくださいね!
One Dot Records
Shigeo Tamaru New Singles
田丸恵男の4th, 5thシングルのリリースが決定しました
田丸恵男の4th, 5th ソロ(シングル)のリリースが決定しました。
タイトルは「Perhaps It's Better」 と 「Burning Man」で、One Dot Recordsから9月末の発売予定になります。

Shigeo Tamaru sets to release his 4th and 5th solo singles.
The new Singles of Shigeo Tamaru titled 'Perhaps It's Better' and 'Burning Man' set to be released on end-September from One Dot Records. (Amazon, iTunes)
We'll update as soon as we know more.You can look forward to the new release.

One Dot Records
excellent radio
KXLL 100.7 Juneau Alaska USA
2007-2015 オンエア続行中
"Excellent Radio" is a radio station in Juneau, Alaska USA.
NaNa has been broadcasted on the show since 2007 as well.
starting with "Afternoon Delight", various programs have played NaNa.
from classic rock to electronica, the station has various awesome shows.

米国アラスカ、ジュノーのラジオ局 "Excellent Radio" です。
"Afternoon Delight"いう番組をはじめ、ステーション内の色々なプログラムで紹介されています。

KXLL schedule KXLL web site Listen Live
4.14 Shigeo new singles 'On the Road' & 'Orange Day' are just released. 本日発売しました!
Shigeo's new singles 'On the Road' and 'Orange Day' are out today (4.14, the both singles are available on iTunes, Amazon worldwide). hope you enjoy the music :)

田丸恵男の'On the Road' と 'Orange Day'ですが、本日(4.14)各国のiTunes, Amazonで発売になりました!

The 2nd & 3rd Solo-Production of Shigeo Tamaru. The style is a blend of Breakbeats, Rack & Jazz Fusion.
All instruments played and produced by Shigeo Tamaru.

'On the Road'
iTunes JP iTunes US iTunes UK Amazon JP Amazon US Amazon UK
'Orange Day'
iTunes JP iTunes US iTunes UK Amazon JP Amazon US Amazon UK

One Dot Records
Shigeo Tamaru 'On the Road' and 'Orange Day' pre-order is now available on Amazon,
The pre-order of Shigeo's new singles 'On the Road' and 'Orange Day'
are now available on Amazon. hope you check.

田丸恵男の「On the Road」と「Orange Day」ですが、Amazonで予約販売が始まっています。是非チェックしてくださいね。
One Dot Records
Shigeo Tamaru New Singles
'On The Road', 'Orange Day'
田丸恵男の2nd, 3rdシングルのリリースが決定しました!
田丸恵男の2nd, 3rd ソロ(シングル)のリリースが決定しました。
タイトルは「On the Road 」 と 「Orange Day 」で、One Dot Recordsから4.14の発売予定になります。

Shigeo Tamaru sets to release his 2nd and 3rd solo singles.
The new Singles of Shigeo Tamaru titled 'On the Road' and 'Orange Day' set to be released on April 14, 2015 from One Dot Records. (Amazon, iTunes)
We'll update as soon as we know more.You can look forward to the new release.

One Dot Records
「Unbelievable World」
「Unbelievable World」がCANシステム(有線放送)にてリクエストできます :)

有線放送キャンシステムが聞ける環境にいらっしゃる方、「B-1チャンネル」にて「Unbelievable World」がリクエストが可能です。

リクエストの際に店名、回路番号等を聞かれますので、(設置されている機材に記されています) お店の方に聞いてみてくださいね :)



CANシステム Web Site

'Unbelievable World' iTunes JP 'Unbelievable World' Amazon JP
"The Jay Thomas Show" 2014
Sirius XM Satellite Radio
New York USA
just got some air-play on "The Jay Thomas Show" by the host actor Jay Thomas on Sirius XM radio, NYC USA.
our track 'Tokyo, Slow Down' was aired on his new year show 2014 again.

the following video is a clip of a TV show "Late Show" that he talks "Lone Ranger Story" at X-mas every year lol
下の動画は彼が毎年クリスマスにLate Showで話す"Lone Ranger Story"です(笑)

Lone Ranger Story on David Letterman 2014

Sirius XM Indie 104 Web Site
QB Challenge here
6.27 Shigeo solo single 'MONO' is just released !
Shigeo solo single 'MONO' is just released. (6.27, 2013) the single is now available on iTunes, Amazon worldwide.
hope you enjoy the music :)

田丸恵男の'MONO'ですが、本日(6.27)各国のiTunes, Amazonで発売になりました!


The first Solo-Production of Shigeo Tamaru. The style is a blend of Breakbeats, Electronica. All instruments played and produced by Shigeo Tamaru.

iTunes JP iTunes US iTunes UK Amazon JP Amazon US Amazon UK

One Dot Records
Shigeo Tamaru 'MONO' pre-order is now available on Amazon
Shigeo first solo single "MONO" that will be set on June 27,
the single's pre-order is now available on Amazon.
hope you check.

One Dot Records
Shigeo Tamaru
Now Working On First Solo

One Dot Recordsから6月末の発売予定になります。また詳細のほうをこちらでお知らせします。

Shigeo Tamaru set to release his first solo. It'll be launched to the end of June from One Dot Records.
We'll update as soon as we know more.
One Dot Records
"Unbelievable World" Music Video
Official YouTube Page
"Unbelievable World"

hope you enjoy the video :)



'Unbelievable World" YouTube : NaNaMusicVideo
here is a preview of
"Imaginary man
(Bonus Track version)"
this is a quick preview of "Imaginary man (Bonus Track version)"

hope you enjoy the video :)



'Imaginary man (Bonus Track version)' Promo YouTube : NaNaMusicVideo
"Imaginary man (Bonus Track Version)" is now available, ダウンロード配信サイトの情報です。
「イマジナリー・マン」"Imaginary man (Bonus Track Version)" is now available, ダウンロード配信サイトの情報です。

Mora iTunes JP Amazon JP WarnerMusicMobile
是非チェックしてみてくださいね :)

hi everyone, "Imaginary man (Bonus Track Version)" is now available on the following download site. hope you check. (hope you guys in US just wait a little while longer, it will come out around June)

iTunes Amazon UK Amazon FR Amazon IT Amazon ES Amazon DE (fi) qobuz (fr) Wimp (no, se, dk, pl, de) kkbox (tw) bigpond music (au) Music me (fr) MediaMarkt (at) Play me (it) Songo (hu) Sainsbury's Entertainment (uk)
hope you enjoy the music,
Chikako & Shigeo Warner Music Japan artist page - NaNa
3.13 "Imaginary man
(Bonus Track Version)"
released! 発売しました!
3.13 Imaginary man (Bonus Track Version) 本日発売になりました!
"Imaginary man (Bonus Track Version)" is out Today in Japan and Europe!
hope you guys in US just wait a little while longer. (it will come out around June) we'll keep posting further information here.
Chikako & Shigeo

This is re-issue version of NaNa's second album "Imaginary man" that was released from Warner music japan in 2002. In addition to their original twelve tracks, "The Plain Jane" that has been "out-track" in 2002 is included as a bonus track that has been mastered by Shigeo Tamaru himself. The album includes "Acacia" that was picked up on 'BBC Asian Network', and includes the other tracks such as "Child's Play" and "JUDY" that received a lot of on-Air in USA and UK. "Imaginary man (Bonus Track Version)" will be available on Mar 13th 2013 on iTunes of each country including Japan, Europe. (only US, it will be available in June)

2002年にWarner Music JapanからリリースされたNaNaのセカンドアルバム"Imaginary man"のリイシューバージョン。
オリジナルの12曲に加え、2002年当時のアウト・トラック "The Plain Jane"をBonus Trackとして新たに追加収録。

iTunes Amazon JP Amazon UK Amazon FR Amazon IT Amazon ES Amazon DE
WarnerMusicMobile Warner Music Japan artist page - NaNa
"Imaginary man
(Bonus Track Version)"
pre-order is now available
in Europe, Japan, Taiwan
hi friends,
though our album "Imaginary man (Bonus Track Version)" pre-order is now available on the following download site in Europe and Taiwan. hope you check. (hope you guys in US just wait a little while longer, it will come out around June :))

Chikako Watanabe, Shigeo Tamaru

Amazon MP3 (UK) Amazon MP3 (FR) Amazon MP3 (IT) Amazon MP3 (ES) Amazon MP3 (DE) (Finland) qobuz (Fr) Wimp (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Germany) kkbox (Taiwan)

日本ではiTunesで予約販売が始まっています。是非チェックしてみてくださいね :)
iTunes (JP) Warner Music Japan artist page - NaNa
"Imaginary man
(Bonus Track Version)"
Release has been decided.

"Imaginary man" that was released from Warner music japan in 2002 is just set for re-release in Mar 2013.
it will be available on Mar 13th in Japan, UK, Europe. as for US, it will come out around June.
a bonus track called "The Plain Jane" is added in it. we'll keep posting more information of further download site.
so keep watching :)

2002年にWarner Music JapanからリリースされたNaNaの2nd "Imaginary man"が再リリースされる事になりました。
日本, UK, ヨーロッパなどは3.13、アメリカでは6月頃の配信予定です。
2002年当時のアウト・トラック"The Plain Jane"がボーナストラックとして追加収録されています。

NaNa - "Imaginary man (Bonus Track Version)"
01. The Blue Bird
02. Anonymous Letter
03. Primrose Path
04. IV silence
05. C-357
06. Cyberface Run
07. Child's Play
08. Mother
09. The cry of the wondering spirit
10. JUDY
11. Iris
12. Acacia
--- Bonus ---
13. The Plain Jane Warner Music Japan artist page - NaNa
"Unbelievable World'
pre-order is now available in Europe, available on Mar13
though our album "Unbelievable World" that will be set on Mar 13th in Europe,
the albums' pre-order is now available on the following download site including Amazon UK.
hope you check.

Amazon MP3 (UK) Gobuz

Amazon MP3 (JP)

iTunes (JP) WarnerMusicMobile dwango
是非チェックしてくださいね :) Warner Music Japan - NaNa 'Unbelievable World'
'Unbelievable World'
ニューシングル「アンビリーヴァブル・ワールド」iTunes, 着うたなどダウンロード配信サイトの情報です。




Wamo! (Warner Music Japan 公式)

好評発売中です!是非チェックしてみてくださいね :) Warner Music Japan artist page - NaNa
here is a preview
of our new single
'Unbelievable World'
this is a quick preview of our new single 'Unbelievable World'

hope you enjoy the video :)



'Unbelievable World' Promo YouTube : NaNaMusicVideo
2.13 new single
'Unbelievable World' released !
発売しました :)
Hello everyone,
Our new single 'Unbelievable World' is just released.
It came out after being away for a long time as our new stuff.
Thank you so much for your great support. Hope you enjoy the music :)
NaNa / Chikako Watanabe, Shigeo Tamaru

きょう(2.13)ニューシングル "Unbelievable world" リリースになりました!
NaNaを支えてくれた全ての方、関係者各位のみなさま、ありがとうございます :)

NaNa 田丸恵男、渡辺愛子

'Unbelievable World'



NaNa New Single - 'Unbelievable World'
Track01 Unbelievable World
Track02 Tokyo, Slow Down Warner Music Japan artist page - NaNa
'Unbelievable World' 予約販売がiTunes Japanで始まりました
2.13発売のニューシングル「アンビリーヴァブル・ワールド」の予約販売がiTunes Japanで始まりました :) 是非ご利用ください!
Unbelievable World Pre-Order on iTunes Japan Warner Music Japan - NaNa 'Unbelievable World'
'Unbelievable World'
Coming Soon!
NaNa New Single - 'Unbelievable World'

タイトル・チューン「Unbelievable World」は前シングルの流れを汲んだ進化形エレクトロニカ・トラック。
カップリングは対照的にオリエンタルでポップな仕上がりを見せる「Tokyo, Slow Down」。両トラック共にNaNaのさらなる新しい世界観、完成度を見せている。2013年2月13日 iTunesより111カ国でリリース。

This is the EP that is a sequel to 'RIDE' that was produced in response to being ranked on independent artist chart of the Billboard USA in 2011. The title tune 'Unbelievable World' is advanced electronica track that is derived from the previous single.
And the coupling track 'Tokyo, Slow Down' shows oriental and pop finish in contrast. The both tracks have further their perfection and their new worldview. This is released in 111 countries by Warner Music Japan on 13 February 2013.

NaNa New Single - 'Unbelievable World'
Track01 Unbelievable World
Track02 Tokyo, Slow Down
2013.2.13 Release Warner Music Japan - NaNa 'Unbelievable World'
'RIDE' Music Video
& Official YouTube Page
私達のシングル'RIDE'のMusic Video(字幕だけの簡単なものですが)が完成しました。 Youtubeチャンネルも開設しました。今後も映像のほうUPしていく予定なのでチェックしてみてくださいね。

Our single 'RIDE' Music Video(very simple stuff with using only lyrics subtitle materials) is finally completed. Youtube Channel opened as well. We plan to keep adding further video so hope you check.

NaNa - RIDE (with sub) YouTube : NaNaMusicVideo
NaNa Private label "One Dot Records" Web Site Open

私達のシングル'RIDE'がリリースされているプライベート・レーベル「ワン・ドット・レコーズ」のWeb Siteがオープンしています。

The web site of our private label 'One Dot Records' that released our single track 'RIDE' has just been opened.
Though it's irregular update, further release related to NaNa will show up from now on. So hope you check the site out.

One Dot. Records Web Site
New Single 'RIDE'
Out Now, 発売中
NaNa New Mini EP 'RIDE'


New Mini EP 'RIDE' Out Now
2012.08.31 ニューシングル「ライド」発売しました

NaNa releases their fifth EP called 'RIDE' that will be the first in 10 years as their original release after a long interval. The numbers are produced in response to being ranked on the Billboard USA independent charts in 2011. The single is filled with NaNa's new world view. You can listen to their brand-new "Visional Rock" that is Electronica, Ambient and Indie Rock-influenced as well as their traditional style.

オリジナルトラックのリリースとしてはおよそ10年ぶりになる長いインターバルを経て発表された5th EP 'RIDE'。2011年、米ビルボードのインディペンデント・アーティストのチャートにランキングされた事を受けて制作された楽曲でNaNaの新しい世界観を堪能出来るシングル。以前からのNaNaのスタイルに加え、ElectronicaやAmbient, Indie Rockの影響も受けた新しい「ヴィジョナル・ロック」を聴く事が出来る。

track01 : RIDE
track02 : Hey Boy

our 5th EP 'RIDE' available at iTunes & Amazon now.
thank you!
Chikako & Shigeo

各国のiTunesとAmazon MP3で発売中です。
どうもありがとう :)
"Public Radio with a difference"
clip of the Excellent Radio
KXLL 100.7FM Juneau Alaska
the file is radio show with Andy Kline "KXLL 100.7FM Excellent Radio Juneau Alaska" hope you enjoy :)
アンディ・クライン(Andy Kline)さんのExcellent Radio(ジュノー・アラスカ)の放送のアーカイブです。

"Public Radio with a difference. Excellent Radio - KXLL 100.7FM Juneau Alaska"
many thanks to :
Andy, Eric, Lauren, Jessie & JB, C&C, Ginny & Juice, Voc & Ra, Lydia & Haley, Naomi, Weld, Leo & Luke
all of the people in Excellent Radio KXLL.

Excellent Radio KXLL KXLL 100.7FM Juneau Alaska, Web OfficialListen an archive on SoundCloud
"Rock the Rock" with Daryl Scott "The Dangerous One" Manao Radio 91.5FM Maui Hawaii USA
the file is radio show with Daryl Scott 'The Dangerous One' in Maui, Hawaii. enjoy!
マウイのManao Radio、ダリル・スコットさんの放送のアーカイブです。チェックしてね!

"Rock the Rock"
Manao Radio 91.5FM Maui Hawaii USA
DJ : Daryl Scott 'The Dangerous One'

local time :
Hawaii Saturday 8pm-12mid, Pasific 10pm, Easten Sunday 1am, UK 6am, CET 7am, Japan 3pm

Mana'o Radio KEAO-LP 91.5 FM Web SiteListen an archive on SoundCloud
ranked in
the Billboard Brasil
hi everyone,
having fun over there?
we were ranked in the Billboard Brasil. the thing seems to be listed on April last year.
we didn't know that! we are very thankful to the person who informed us :)
it was #36 stage anyway.

just wondering if the Brasil chart is different from the US..? because #36 is the first-time rank.
it seems a monthly mag though.
wish we could get the mag. hope you guys living in Brazil check.
(guys who have that issue, sending us the pic is much appreciated)
thanks much

Billboard The Best of 2011
(Year-End chart) 2011年度末
we were ranked #41 on the Billboard's The Best of 2011 (Year-End Chart, Uncharted).

※Clickしてみて(click here!)

here is one of when we were ranked on the chart on Feb to May 2011.

thanks for your notes, sorry for the delay in updating! :)
thanks again for your support, happy holidays!


Chikako & Shigeo
clinbed to #12 place
(Billboard Magazine USA)
we've clinbed to #12 place on Billboard uncharted charts recently.(apr16th)
hope you check if you could see the Billboard Magazine.
thank you guys who have supported us.
we'll let you know if we get any further good news.

we pray for the world peace.
Chikako & Shigeo

11 Mar 2011
"Song For Japan"
A World In London/DJ Ritu
BBC ロンドン, BBC three counties radio の DJ rituさんが3.11を受けて
"Song for Japan"というmixcloudをポストしてくれました。
"Silent Scream Under The Moonlight"の未発表ライヴトラックが聴けます。

DJ Ritu who acts on BBC London, BBC Three Counties, she uploaded the archive of the
broadcast that NaNa was aired so that friends who live in Japan are able to listen to the show.

you are able to listen to the broadcast on the above URL.
the track 'Silent Scream Under The moonlight' that was played on the show,
it's a live version. so hope you check.

Chikako & Shigeo

ranked on the Billboard Magazine USA/米音楽紙ビルボード
hello everyone,

we entered the chart in #49 place on the Billboard chart, "Uncharted" (feb.5 2011)

we'll let you know as soon as if we got further good news.
we really thank the people who have supported us!

Chikako & Shigeo

"RED" Live Performance
on Sher Delight
NaNa's unreleased live tracks are sometimes broadcasted in LA, London.
this is "Sher Delight" show HGRNJ New Jersey.
the following is the archive link of the show that broadcasted the live track you can listen to.
hope you check!


Vo : Chikako Watanabe /Guitar : Shigeo Tamaru /Bass : Macoto Itagaki /Dr : Kazutaka Kiritooshi
Listen an archive on SoundCloud
"RED" is used in WEXT 97.7FM promo in NY/ニューヨークのRadioで"RED"がCMに使われています
the track "RED" is used in WEXT 97.7 promo in New York, USA.
ニューヨークのステーションWEXT 97.7FMで"RED"がCMに使われています。

Exit 97.7 - WEXT Web Site
BBC 6 Music London UK
Don Letts Show
Mr. Don Letts played "Snake Girl" on his show "Culture Clash Radio" BBC 6Music!

ドン・レッツさんが6Musicの彼の番組で"Snake Girl"をオンエアしてくれました。

Culture Clash Radio Web Site
BBC asian Network London UK 2artist from Japan, 日本からの
NaNa was selected as a band from Japan for a slot called "THE STOPOVER" on "Pathaan's Musical Rickshaw" BBC Asian Network.

BBC Asian Networkの番組で

BBC Asian Network Web Site
BBC London DJ Ritu
A World In London
"Silent Scream Under The Moonlight" was aired on a show called "A World In London" by the host DJ Ritu on BBC London.
the Show is known around the world as one of the best of the world music show.

BBCロンドンの世界的に知られている番組 「ア・ワールド・イン・ロンドン」 で
"Silent Scream Under The Moonlight"がオンエアされました。

BBC London DJ Ritu Page
Seaside FM 105.3 East Yorkshire
UK artist of the week
NaNa will be featured as an "artist of the week" on the show "The Full Fat Breakfast" Seaside FM 105.3 .
voice msg will be aired as well :)

here is the on-air date
July7-11 Monday to Friday 8am-12pm BST
(British Summer Time)

UKイースト・ヨークシャーのSeaside FM 105.3 というステーションで
NaNaが"アーティスト・オブ・ザ・ウィーク" に選ばれました。

Seaside FM Web Site
BCFM 93.2 Bristol UK
Sunday Rock Show
our album "VOID" took seventh place on The BCFM Sunday Rockshow 'ALBUM OF THE YEAR'.

NaNaの1st album "VOID"が「ALBUM OF THE YEAR」 の内の一枚に選ばれました。

BCfm 93.2 fm web site
BBC radio Bristol 94.9FM
Bristol UK
"Snake Girl" and "Judy" were broadcasted with interweaving an episode that NaNa stopped over Bristol on BBC in Bristol UK for two weeks.
NaNaがブリストルのBBCで紹介されました。Snake Girl, Judyのオンエアと

BBC Radio Bristol Web
thank you Richard & Gary :)
NaNa at
iTune & Amazon
Download available HERE
NaNa at iTunes & Amazon