How To Find Right Immigration Lawyer?

Michael Wildes Reviews
3 min readNov 21, 2017

The Us immigration is a highly complex procedure. It all begins with when a person wants to shift to the US. There are a variety of visa types that an individual can apply depending upon his qualifications. Nonetheless, it is important that you hire the right immigration lawyer to navigate through the red-tape.

The best way to start the navigation process is to consult the right immigration lawyer. The main reason behind consulting the immigration lawyer is to assure that you will have legal help all the time during your immigration process.

While selecting the immigration lawyers, focus not on his qualifications alone but also on his experience and number of cases he has won. The majority of immigration attorneys have a review platform where their clients can come and review the services. Michael Wildes Reviews is one such platform.

Tips for selecting the immigration attorney

  • Don’t opt for the first lawyer you see
    There are numerous immigration lawyers in the country. If you opt for the first immigration attorney you see, you might end up with a mediocre lawyer. There will be ones who might be juggling a high number of cases. While they might be making money, they won’t be able to give full focus to the case.
    Don’t splurge your money on the lawyers who cannot give you and your case full attention. Give it to the quality lawyer who can help you understand the process of immigration.
  • Trusted referrals and recommendations
    Tap into your circle of friends and family and get their recommendation regarding the immigration lawyers. The word-of-mouth referrals are the best way to understand about a lawyer and his workings. You can easily come in contact with the right immigration lawyer.
  • Search AILA
    American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) is a national association of lawyer and attorney who practice and teach immigration law. The website offers the names and addresses of all lawyers in your area. There are some lawyers who might not be members of the association as it is not necessary to be part of it. However, for your initial search, you can begin from here.
  • Interview your list attorneys
    Before you hire an attorney, interview all the eligible candidates. Ask them about the experience, types of cases they handle. Immigration is a huge specialty. Make sure the lawyer you choose focuses on your visa type.
  • Check credentials
    When you have selected a particular lawyer, check his/her credentials. Make sure he/she has the license and has a good standing. This means making sure that they have been a subject to any disciplinary hearing.

Filing for immigration papers in the US is a tough process. Nonetheless, if you have right immigration lawyer by your side, it’ll be easy to endure.

If you are looking for lawyer to help you to complete your immigration process then consider Michael Wildes who is one of the most trustworthy lawyers in New York and go through Michael Wildes Reviews platform to know more about his clients worked experiences with him.



Michael Wildes Reviews

Michael Wildes known for handling so many cases successfully in New York and he is senior partner at highly prestigious law firm Wildes and Weinberg.