fittings are something that is utilized to join the
pipes. During the process, they resist the normal pressure of the water pipes.
You will find many electriofusion fittings available in the market. They are generally blue or black for water
and yellow and black for gas and are welded with a tension that varies between
8 to 42 volts according to the model, though the tension involved.
The fitting products come
with magnetic cards or labels along with bar codes, where all the relevant
information on the product seems like fusion data. Here we will discuss the
steps associated with electrofusion.
During the process, managing of the PE
pipes could be damaged if you are not mindful. It is permitted and lines not
higher than 10% of the density of the wall in the water pipes. You have to
clean the joining region with a paper or cloth towel which doesn’t leave any
In order to save electrofusion
fittings, the surface area of the pipe to be welded should be scraped to remove the
impurities. It is important to remove all the pollutants before welding. The
length of the area to be welded should be marked and it should be utilized as a
rotary scraper.
The most vital aspect of the elctrofusion
procedure is ensuring that the pipes haven’t moved and should be aligned during
the cooling and heating phases. If the pipe moves during the cooling period,
the joint created won’t survive. The
aligners ensure to have a good joint, preventing the movement of the pipes.
fitting products are welded by using
electrofusion equipment which can be automatic or manual along with a card
lector or bar code.