How To Get Into The Music Industry, Become A Professional Musician And Build A Successful Music Career
Do you want to do any of these:
- Start a music career
- Get a record deal
- Go on tour
- Write music for a living
- Release your own albums without a record label
- Become a studio musician
- Stop working at a shitty day job
- Join an existing popular band
- Get more and better paying gigs
- Get your name and music out there
… but feel stuck, don’t know what to do, or how to do it? It can be soooo frustrating!
If you’ve spent years spinning your wheels, wondering how to start a music career, I know how you feel. A lot of musicians feel this way. What I found is:
- Nobody makes it in music alone.
- Most musicians focus their efforts on the wrong actions
- Their actions are scattered all over the place.
- They don’t have a real strategy for building a successful music career
- They focus only on the music and wait to be discovered.
I made all the same mistakes.
After years of struggle, what finally made the big difference for me was having a music career mentor. He put me on the right path, guided me, helped me avoid all the common mistakes that musicians typically make and kept me on track.
The results were nothing less than spectacular. I got a record deal, toured the world multiple times and had the time of my life.
People came to me asking for help about starting a music career, how to get more fans, how to get a record deal, and how to make it in the music business.
This is why, 20 years ago, I created the Music Careers Mentoring Program®.
I’ve had the privilege of personally mentoring hundreds of musicians from all over the world to build their own successful music career.
Build A Solid Foundation For A Successful Career In Music
You wouldn’t build a house on sand. Your music career needs a solid foundation too. In this music industry program, we’ll build that foundation together, so you can actually succeed.

Become The Right Person That Key People In The Music Business WANT To Work With (this is critical!)
Most people think success comes to people who are in the right place, at the right time. Truth is, if you are in the right place, at the right time, but you are not yet the right person – then it won’t matter. You MUST become the right person. This is what I coach you to become.

Learn How To Get Signed To A Record Label
You can no longer send record companies your music and think they are going to blindly invest huge amounts of money into your next album… it does not work this way anymore. Record labels are no longer willing to gamble on musicians, or their music. They want a ‘sure thing’…
I coach you on the steps to take to give the record companies what they are looking for in you (but will never tell you themselves).

How To Release Your Music Without Getting A Record Deal
Getting signed is not the only way to build a successful career in the music business. There are times when self-releasing your music is a better option. You learn what is the better path for you and how to move forward.

How To Get Yourself On Tour
Getting on a concert tour is surprisingly simple. I’ve mentored lots of musicians just like you to go on tour. I’ll show you exactly what to do to get ready to tour and what you have to do to get on a tour.

The One HUGE Short Cut To Building A Successful Music Career
There is nothing in the music business that will bring you opportunities faster than this secret. This is a core part of this music business program.

Learn Why You Don’t Have More Opportunities… And How To Change That
Actually, there is plenty of opportunity out there. Fact is, people in the music business only offer opportunity to the right people who they know in advance are able to say yes.
If they are not already sure you can say yes before ever talking to you, they won’t even bother contacting you. This is how it actually works in the music industry most of the time. I show you how to get those hidden opportunities.

Outsmart 99% Of All Other Musicians
You learn exactly why successful people are successful and how that can be duplicated by anyone (including you!!!). Once you know and apply these proven success principles, everything you do to build your music career will be easier, faster and better.

Build Actual Relationships In the Music Business
Most musicians want to make connections in the music industry. This is a losing strategy. Opportunities are not build on connections, they are built on meaningful relationships. I coach you to do exactly this.

Make Yourself The ONLY Option
Learn the simple things you can do during auditions and interviews to get the opportunities you want. Become the only option these companies want to work with. I used these techniques to get every single major opportunity I ever pursued in the music business.

How To Phase Out Your Day Job…
… and phase in your music career without putting yourself (or your family) into financial jeopardy. I did the same thing while already married with children to move into my music career with no risk. I’ve taught many others to do this, and you can too.

How To Promote Your Music For Free Or Very Low Costs
Getting your music out there and standing out from the crowd can be very expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. I’ll show you inexpensive and free ways to do it that you probably are unaware of.

Develop Great Press Kits
You learn how to do this so that yours doesn’t end up being thrown in the garbage at the record companies (like most press kits do).

How To Create More Time To Develop Your Music Career
We all have the same 24 hours per day. Some people are very productive, while others struggle to get the right things done. I will coach you to manage your time much more effectively, be productive and get the right things done more quickly.

Don’t Go Broke While You Pursue A Career In Music
There are good and bad ways to pursue a music career. You should never take a path that makes you a starving musician. I’ll mentor you to build a stable and safe music career.

How To Save Big Money On Your Taxes
Did you know most governments (including the USA) will let you write off the full amount of money you invest into this music mentoring program (and other music related things) from your taxes? It's true! I'll show you how to save massive amounts of tax money you are currently paying to the government!

Get The Accountability You Need
One of the very best ways to ensure your success is to be held accountable for taking action. This is why so many successful people seek out a mentor and surround themselves with like-minded people. As a member of the Music Careers Mentoring Program, you get all the accountability and support you need.

Red Hot Motivation
After graduating from this music business mentoring program, your motivation level should be nothing less than RED HOT because of the excitement you’ll feel knowing that you finally know (and are applying) the secrets that can propel you and your music career forward!

Here’s How You Get It All:
- Three Monthly Music Career Mentoring Sessions
All your sessions will be recorded and made available for download in a secure "Members Only" section of the website.
- Live Video Training Sessions With Tom Hess
You get additional, invitation only live video sessions with Tom Hess, special guests and other Music Careers Mentoring Program members.
- Live Video Accountability Sessions
Depending on your membership level, you get to work on your music career goals live on video with Tom Hess and other members.
- Projects & Assignments
You don’t only get information about how to break into the music business, you get projects and assignments that help you actually implement what you learn.
- 1-1 Phone Calls With Tom Hess
You get unlimited implementation support telephone calls with me (on a first come, first serve basis).You and I will speak one-on-one on the telephone. I answer your questions, give you guidance and help you to take what you learn and actually apply it all into your own music career.
(Platinum members only)
- 1-1 Phone Call Recordings Between Tom Hess And Other Members
Other members often ask questions or need help on the exact same things you do. As I guide them on what to do each week, you also learn what to do and how to do things.(Platinum members only)
You Don't Want To Miss This VERY POWERFUL Bonus!

[Video Masterclass] Building Your Music Career – How To Finally Get Everything Done
Discover 8 powerful tools successful musicians use to get the right things done without stress, worry and working yourself to death.
Once you know these tools, they are easy to use. You can start using them right away.
These tools are easy to use - once you learn what they are. You can start using them right away.
Total length: 100 minutes
Value: $250
(Platinum members only)
You Become A Part Of THE Global Community Of Musicians From All Over The World

How is our community different from all the others you may have seen?
You’ll feel welcomed, accepted, respected and like you belong. It’s like a family… a brotherhood of like-minded musicians sharing the same passions and being on parallel life and music journeys.

You’ll find the level of support, camaraderie and connection between members to be incredibly strong.
How strong? Well, we’ve had members actually form long-term romantic relationships (yes, we have awesome female musicians here too)!
Whom The Music Careers Mentoring Program Is For
- Musicians from all over the world (North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Australia).
The strategies, principles and tactics you learn work everywhere in the world (not only in the USA).
- Passionate & committed musicians from any musical style, instrument (including voice) and background.
This is NOT only for guitar players or rock musicians.
- This is for musicians who want to learn what to do and then actually do it.
Some Shocking Statistics About The Massive Difference In Results Musicians Are Getting As They Pursue A Long-Term Successful Career In Music
A) Musicians who have an experienced music career mentor are about 55 times more likely to succeed in the music industry than those without one.
That statistic is impressive (5500%!).
However, I’m actually surprised it’s not even higher.
B) Musicians who have an effective, proven & integrated strategy for a successful career in music are 36 times more likely to build a long-term sustaining music career than those who don’t.
Here’s an unrelated but very compelling/interesting statistic – food for thought:
According to The Pacific Institute, “A random sample of 1500 graduating college seniors were surveyed to find out what they would base their career choice on.
83 percent said that financial gain was the first thing they would base their career choice on and following their dream, or their passion, would come second.
7 percent said that following their dream would be first and financial gain second. In a follow-up study on actual net worth 20 years later, what do you think they found?
Well, 101 of the 1,500 had become millionaires.
But only one of those millionaires had come from the group that put financial gain first, while one hundred of them came from the group that followed their dreams.”
That means only 1 out of the 1245 people (0.08%) who put financial gain as their top priority actually became a millionaire… However, 100 out of 105 people (95.2%) who put following their dream as their top priority became millionaires (doing what they loved)
I’m not surprised at all by this... because I’m one of them.
Your path to music career success begins with the decision to follow your dream, but ultimately how you follow it will determine your success or failure.
The time for talking is done.
Now it’s your time to take action so that you can be one of the few musicians to actually grow, expand & sustain a successful career in music.
Here is what you need to do right now:
Click on the orange button that says: "Apply Now To Grow Your Music Career Now”. |
Then, on the next page, answer a few questions to tell me about yourself so that I can get to know you, what you do, how you think and where you want to be in your current or future music career. |
Download your 3 free audio bonus sessions and eBook you'll see on the confirmation page. |
Do it right now.
Once that is done, I’ll reply back to you directly via email within 4 hours (unless I’m sleeping, then within 8 hours) :)
Tom Hess |
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P.S. This music business mentoring program gives you all the tools you need to do something that you love to do, that you’re passionate about doing, something you’ve wanted to do ever since you were a little kid.
You’re going to show all of those people that told you that you couldn't do it – that it wasn't practical, that you wouldn't make any money – that they're wrong. You’re going to get everything you need to be living your dream! Get started now!
P.P.S. In order to give you the maximum benefit from the Music Careers Mentoring Program, the number of people who can become part of the program is very limited. Applications from musicians from all over the world are coming in daily. As soon as the limit is reached, we will close application for several months.
P.P.P.S. Remember, you get it all:
- Three Monthly Music Career Mentoring Sessions
- Live Video Training Sessions With Tom Hess
- Live Video Accountability Sessions
- 1-1 Phone Calls With Tom Hess
- [Video Masterclass] Building Your Music Career – How To Finally Get Everything Done
Plus, whether you are accepted into the program or not, you’ll receive 3 free mini music career audio sessions to help you get started.
Frequently Asked Questions
“Why Do I Need A Music Career Mentor, Can’t I just Read Books Instead?”
Do you know anyone who bought a book for $19.95 and got successful in the music industry? I don’t either.
Books can be a good source of information, but no book can give you what you really need:• A personal mentor to answer all the questions you are going to have.
• A personal strategy built just for you• A personal coach who is going to guide you and advise you every step along your journey.
Additionally, this mentoring is about doing, not just learning. Together, we are going to create a plan for you AND put your plan into ACTION.
“Do You Have To Be In The USA?”
No. I have members from 92 countries around the world. You do not need to live in a wealthy country for this mentoring program to work for you. All you need is an internet connection.
“When Am I Ready For Music Career Mentoring?”
You are ready when:
• You are not a beginner on your instrument• You are passionate about a career in music
The best time to learn how to get started in the music industry is when you are still developing your musical skills.It would be a mistake (and a waste of years) to wait until your musical skills are very advanced before starting the process of learning about (and taking action on) building a music career.
“I’m Skeptical, Does This REALLY Work?”
It’s ok to be skeptical. Actually, a reasonable amount of skepticism is a good thing. There’s a lot of nonsense out there… but hundreds of successful musicians can’t be wrong… see what actual members say and achieved:
Music Careers Mentoring Program Reviews
“Do I Need To Relocate To Another City Or Country In Order To Be Successful?”
Probably not. In both of the major bands I’ve toured with, members lived in different countries.
“I Have A Good Paying Job Already In Another Industry; But I’m Unhappy There And Am Considering Changing Careers. Is It Too Late For Me To Start A Music Career?
It’s never too late to pursue your dream.
“How Much Does This Music Career Mentoring Cost?”
That depends on which membership option you choose. You see all options & pricing after you apply.
“How Do I Get Started?”
1. You apply for mentoring.
2. I read your application and decide whether or not we are a good match for mentoring.3. I send you an email letting you know if you are accepted.
4. You secure your spot.5. We get started right away.
“Can’t I Just Learn All This Stuff At A Music School Or University?”
No. Many of the musicians I have mentored over the years are graduates of music schools and universities… including people with music business degrees who know about the music industry, but don’t know what to do to get into the industry and build a long-term successful career in music. After going through these music industry programs, many musicians come here to get what they really need – an actual mentor.
Plus, going to music school is a LOT more expensive, takes much longer and in the end, you receive far less.
“Do You Mentor Musicians Of All Instruments (Including Voice)?”
“Do You Mentor Musicians In All Musical Styles?”
All styles except (classical) orchestra.
“Am I Musically Advanced Enough?”
If you are not an advanced musician, you may not be ready for a music career at this time.
However, learning about the music business and what you need to do to start your music career in the future can happen right now.If you wanted to be a doctor, you wouldn’t have to wait until you have an advanced knowledge of medicine in order to begin to study to become a doctor. The music business is no different.
“How And Where Do I Get The Mentoring?”
I mentor you in all of these ways:
• Personal 1-1 phone calls with me (platinum members)• Live video group training sessions with me
• 3 monthly music career mentoring audio sessions available for download in a secure "Members Only" section of the website.• Lots of personal interaction in our online private members-only mastermind forum.
• 1-1 phone call recordings between me and other members (Platinum members)
“I’m 18 Years Old; Am I Too Young To Start A Music Career?”
No. The earlier you get the coaching, training and knowledge, the better. A few of our members are in this age range too. :)
“I’m 57 Years Old; Am I Too Old To Begin A Career In Music?”
No. There are successful people in the music industry who are older than this… and not all of them started in this business when they were young.
“Can I Cancel At Any Time?”
Yes. You can cancel at any time.
Simply log into your student account (or your Paypal account, if you prefer to use Paypal) and follow the simple steps to cancel. If you need any assistance to cancel, you can always reach out to to walk you through the simple process.
“Do You Have Contacts In The Music Industry?”
Yes, many.
“I Have A Full-Time Job Now; Can I Build A Music Career Part Time On Nights Or Weekends?”