How to reset a lost Hotmail password
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As more lives go online, from banking <strong>to</strong><br />
socializing, the usernames and complex<br />
<strong>password</strong>s we need <strong>to</strong> track have multiplied<br />
<strong>to</strong> unbelievable proportions. In <strong>to</strong>day's age of<br />
social networking and internet banking,<br />
security has become an important issue, so<br />
<strong>password</strong>s make these accounts secure. The<br />
more accounts there are, the harder it is <strong>to</strong><br />
remember everyone correctly. The same case<br />
is with our hotmail account. We usually tend
<strong>to</strong> forget all the <strong>password</strong>s that make our<br />
social and professional life. So <strong>to</strong> <strong>reset</strong> your<br />
<strong>Hotmail</strong> <strong>password</strong> on desk<strong>to</strong>p, follow these<br />
quick steps and recover it back.<br />
Go <strong>to</strong> the <strong>password</strong> <strong>reset</strong> website in your<br />
browser.<br />
Click on the ‘I forgot my <strong>password</strong>’ at the<br />
<strong>to</strong>p of the page.<br />
Press next in the blue box.<br />
Type in the email address for which you<br />
want <strong>to</strong> recover the account <strong>password</strong>.<br />
You may also type in your phone number<br />
or Skype username if you have any of<br />
them linked with your account.<br />
Enter the security code which is in the box<br />
below the email address text field. The<br />
numbers and letters are case sensitive so<br />
you need <strong>to</strong> be careful. You can ask for<br />
other code if you cannot comprehend it<br />
properly.<br />
Click on next and then choose the mode<br />
of <strong>reset</strong>ting your account either via email
or phone number whichever you have<br />
provided as your backup.<br />
Enter your full email address or enter the<br />
last 4 digits of your phone number in the<br />
given box.<br />
Press the blue box named Send code. A<br />
recovery code <strong>to</strong> your email address or<br />
phone will be sent.<br />
Get that code from the email address or<br />
phone number and enter it in the box <strong>to</strong><br />
verify your identity.<br />
Click on send but<strong>to</strong>n and then recreate a<br />
new <strong>password</strong> and then reenter it in the<br />
space provided.<br />
Click on next and then login again in<strong>to</strong><br />
your account using your new <strong>password</strong>.<br />
For any technical assistance, you can trust on<br />
<strong>Hotmail</strong> technical support. Our support<br />
services and Technical Support Number +1-<br />
800-958-211 are available <strong>to</strong> cus<strong>to</strong>mers<br />
across the world who has complaint of facing<br />
different types of issues on their device. At
these support numbers, we try our level best<br />
<strong>to</strong> ensure 100% cus<strong>to</strong>mer satisfaction by<br />
providing complete solutions.<br />
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