Art by Nazarine

Art by Nazarine

Nazarine Koepf, born in England, lived in Miami for many years, now living in Switzerland, has always had a passion for styling, art, and creativity. She was actively involved in the film industry as a set decorator and stylist. She has been responsible for the sets during the production of many music videos & film productions, and she also worked with several national publications over the years in Miami, Florida.

Her art is from the heart and soul, it's her passion!... she loves painting and creating art out of Natural products, recycled items, and Glass.
Acrylic paints and mixed media are used for her work, she loves designing out of natural items such as Wood & Rocks.
She currently designs for Hotels, Bars, and Restaurant concepts.
If you need additional information on any of her Art pieces please feel free to contact her over Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, through this website, through, or by email at

Within our World

Wall Art by Naz

Glass Art