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"Hold Me Now" - Chris Pellnat
2020Jun 15
The dancer is Sheree North in a 1951 burlesque film. I found it quite compelling and artful, and when juxtaposed against "wholesome" dancers, it was clear her art transcends the stag film genre and the male gaze. Sheree North later went on to a successful film and television career. All vintage footage is public domain, from the Prelinger Collection on the Internet Archive. This song is from the album ”Rain” : Lyrics: Hold Me Now Well I’m feeling kind of down My whole life is like a frowny-face emoji And I wish you’d come around It gets lonely and I need someone to Hold me now Hold me now Hold me now When I heard you were in town Thought for sure that you would reserve some time for me But you know you let me down And there is nobody here one who’s gonna Hold me now Hold me now Hold me now I’m a solitary soul It’s not easy for me to reach out to people So it’s hard to let you go There’s no lover waiting in the wings Hold me now Hold me now Hold me now Well I was busting out while you were busting in But I don’t think our paths will ever meet again No way no how No way no how Guess you’ve heard I’m moving on Feeling strong like the bulging bicep emoji Shield your eyes put down your phone Lifting off and there is no one who can Hold me now Hold me now Hold me now Twitter:   / musicianchris1   Soundcloud:   / pretentiousmusic   Bandcamp: Facebook:   / christopherpellnat  

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