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How to Report a UFO sighting. Some Discredited UFO Sightings Sightings places that Can't be Found All About *U* Database This Website Selected Links and More links elsewhere. [ Site Map ] [UFO Search Engine] |
This is the home of the *U* Database. *U* is a serious 20 year UFO research effort to catalog, map, and do statistics on reports worldwide. Dates range from recent to ancient times. Foo fighters, ghost rockets, flying saucers, disks, cones, domes, wheels, spheres, probes, deltoids, flying triangles, cylinders; boomerang, lens and hamburger shapes; landings, robots and even humanoid occupants are reported. Sighting s waves from 1947, 1950, 1952, 1954, 1973 etc. are mapped and graphed. Discovered hoaxes and misidentified mundane events are weeded out. Fireballs, night-lights and other lame reports with low information content are derated or passed over entirely. *U* does not catalog ghosts, miracles, chupacabras, bigfoot, crop circles, folklore, paranormal or Fortean phenomena unless clearly UFO related. Cult and contactee tales are extremely suspect. Still, an amazing 18,390+ UFO / OVNI sightings are listed, from a large set of reference sources. None of this proves or disproves the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH), alien abductions, time travel, extra space dimensions and so on. This website shows *U* Database maps and graphs with the hope that real patterns or clues might emerge, some ufology at least. |