(Wikipedia) Veganism is the practice of abstaining from the use of animal products, particularly in diet, and an associated philosophy that rejects the commodity status of animals. A follower of the diet or the philosophy is known as a vegan. Dietary vegans (also known as strict vegetarians) refrain from consuming animal products, not only meat but also eggs, dairy products and other animal-derived substances.The term ethical vegan is often applied to those who not only follow a vegan diet but extend the philosophy into other areas of their lives, and oppose the use of animals for any purpose. Another term is environmental veganism, which refers to the avoidance of animal products on the premise that the industrial farming of animals is environmentally damaging and unsustainable. See more>

Earthlings (Documentary)

What The Health (Documentary)

Cowspiracy (Documentary)

Dominion (Documentary)

Seaspiracy (Documentary)

The animals are divine beings, were created to be contemplated and must be protected.

I, Alex Cebe, feel a constant melancholy because the animals are sad, being abused and threatened with extinction (many have already been extinguished). The humans are very dangerous for this planet and I hope that this situation changes asap. If you're not a vegan please consider to be more one, for the sake of our Mother Nature and for the sake of next generations. GO VEGAN.

The veganism IS NOT a diet and we, vegans, are into the strict vegetarian diet.

(Wikipedia) "Veganism is a social, political and international movement on Animal Rights, for ethical reasons and also for sustainability."  See more>

Nature follows a mysterious order and is very fragile. It is easy to unbalance all this exuberance and perfection. I think that we (humans) are not part of this planet, it is not possible for us to be! We are in total disharmony with what was created on Earth. If humans were not here, everything would be in order, it would be paradise, literally.

I find it very strange to talk about 'protecting marine life, plastic straws etc etc etc' and keep consuming fishes, crustaceans and seafood.

I find it very strange to say that 'dogs and cats are (and they really are) little angels with souls etc etc etc' and to think that oxen, pigs, birds and reptiles 'are just food and taste good'.

I think it is meaningless to talk about 'protecting the environment etc etc etc' and at the same time eating meats, once is exactly the animal agriculture that is decimating the planet in stride.

I find it a complete fallacy to speak of 'peace and love among brothers etc etc etc' and have no empathy for  unprotected, abused, voiceless beings and still eating them.

The blasé of those who eat 'exotic and luxury meats' is laughable and pathetic. What attenuate my point of view is knowing that many are doing this inadvertently, completely manipulated by a rotten system that has turned the brains of millions into a mere insatiable stomach.

It is the maximum of covardly to pay third parties to murder and dismember intelligent and helpless animals just so that it is convenient to take a 'visit at the butcher's shop' and buy their parts so that they can be eaten (and defecated) as naturally and as casually as possible.  

Are you a badass and want to eat a steak? Go try to slaughter a good sized ox or a pig in bare hands, without a knife, with nothing. The animal sends you straight to the hospital (or to a coffin) in less than 5 minutes, for sure.

All, absolutely all animals are very intelligent. We are equal. No one animal should be exploited for food, entertainment, clothing, transportation, research, aesthetics and/or other types of profit.

The human race occupies an organism that is nefarious and dangerous , only extracts natural resources without returning anything to the planet,  a true walking stomach full of frills, ridiculous and useless pomps that are part of a mediocre system that is lost in vanities.

I have various friends who are meat eaters and assure that they are honest people, hard workers, parents of good families and they are totally nice people but they are blinded by the system. Please, don't blame a meat eater at first and have no prejudice about them.

Do you also eat meats? Do you prefer your guts as a row of defuncts of various individuals? Seriously?

Meats, eggs, dairy and the milk are vingatives. Take care of your health.

Keep in mind that much more than 3,000 animals are slaughtered EVERY SECOND, daily. We live in a world where suffering from innocent, voiceless, impotent and abused beings permeates our days. The animals are being exploited! LIVES are being negotiated and our planet is being destroyed. 

Most of people are swimming in blood, eating and wearing pain and sorrow everyday but not realizing it. Most people are blind, living as if everything is ok. There is a very well-designed scheme around the world so people do not realize how they are being manipulated. There is a dangerous purpose in all this. Be aware and alert, always!

We must care and protect the Mother Nature. Veganism has a direct relation to the preservation of the ecosystem. SAVE THE PLANET!

Becoming a vegan is a wise decision. For many people it is difficult, even for cultural reasons. Many people are struggling to achieve. You have to have a lot of courage and empathy to go on. It is forgetting about yourself to devote much of your life to animals. Veganism is not about thin waists, youthful faces, cholesterol levels or muscle tone. It's not about multicolored dishes, diets or how cool vegan life is. IT'S ALL ABOUT ANIMALS, JUST THEM! It is about the suffering and the rights of these innocent beings. In addition, veganism goes far, far beyond oxen, cows, pigs, fish, chickens, eggs and dairy products. Veganism is with ALL animals.

Who is vegan has a difficult life and is uncomfortable in this world once has to adapt to a brutal daily life and a blind society, trying to live satisfactorily in the middle of a totally unbalanced world, knowing that he will not see so early the respect that all animals deserve. It is a constant and stressful daily adaptation to what is around. The vegan sleeps thinking about the 180,000,000 animals that were slaughtered that day and wakes up thinking about the 180,000,000 animals that will be slaughtered that day (just to say about the sharks: more than 11,500 of these magnificent beings are slaughtered around the world EVERY HOUR). The vegan community is a minority and still has to face a lot of prejudice from non-vegan people, including family and close friends.

Beware of your ego! Don't consider yourself 'above the rest' just because you're into veganism. Don't think that vegan life is perfect and joyful because it definitely isn't: from the moment you start being part of the vegan movement, you realize how cruel humanity is, and because of that it's almost impossible to have a life light and fully happy. There is a great lot of disappointment and pain involved in raising awareness of the abuse that animals suffer from and you cannot ignore or escape from. Everything has a price. Pay this price! It is worth being against so many wrong things and with much more connection to the Universe.

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