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ANSWERS to Common Questions | Reconnect
What does the Bible really say about the Father... and about Christ? Do we really need to be baptized into the one true Church Of Christ? These are just some of the questions that we will be answering in this edition of Reconnect: An Evangelical Mission. #Reconnect #EvangelicalMission #AnswerstoCommonQuestions 7:24 THE HOLY SCRIPTURES 13:48 ONE GOD, THE FATHER 22:26 THE LORD JESUS CHRIST 27:05 THE MESSENGERS OF GOD 32:32 GOD'S ELECTION 35:36 THE CHURCH AND SALVATION 43:30 BAPTISM Brought to you by the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ). Know more about the Church's activities worldwide at Like and follow our Facebook pages at Follow us on Instagram and Twitter at Visit the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) official website at Find a congregation near you through our directory at

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Iglesia Ni Cristo EVangelical Mission

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