June 29, 2022

Abstract: Whether We Recognize It Or Not

Abstract: Whether we recognize it or not, the Internet is full of new and innovative institutional forms that are revolutionizing social organization on and offline. Software engineers have faced difficulties in dealing with issues of governance on these platforms and other institutions. A lot of them haven't had exposure to relevant history or theories of institutional design. This framework is designed to encourage dialogue between computer scientists, political scientists, and political. The dominant guiding practices for the design of digital institutions to date in computer-supported cooperative work and the technology industry in general have been an incentive-driven behavioral engineering paradigm, a set of theories of the mind, such as A/B-testing and incremental software engineering driven by issues. The "Ostrom Workshop" resource governance literature has proven to be a useful tool for the design of traditional institutions. One of the most important findings from this literature that is not yet been widely integrated in the design of many digital institutions is the importance of including mechanisms for participation in what is referred to as a "constitutional layer" of institutional design---in other words, rules that facilitate and allow for diverse stakeholder participation in the ongoing process of design change. We explore to what extent this consideration is and/or could be satisfied in three distinct instances of digital institutions: cryptocurrencies cannabis informatics and amateur Minecraft server governance. Examining such Top Minecraft Servers varied cases allows us to demonstrate the importance of constitutional layers across a variety of kinds of digital institutions.