How Long Should Your SEO Blog Post Be? The Best SEO Company in Dubai Provides A Guide for 2023


Do you want to know how long a blog post should be? The answer is dependent on your content goals, your audience, and what are they searching for (their "search intent").

A good content strategy will meet both short- and long-form content requirements. Let's take a closer look at these variables and determine the ideal blog post length for each. In today’s blog, Webtek Digital shares the ideal blog content form according to the best SEO services in Dubai.


Is Blog Post Length Really Important?

Yes, but that does not automatically imply that longer posts are always better. In actuality, the length of your blog post should primarily be determined by the search intent.

That is, you should offer the length of your blog posts based on what your audience needs.

Your main goal should be to respond to questions from your audience, as says the best SEO company in Dubai. To do this, the expert SEO people take the time to comprehend who your audience is and how much information they require.


The Ideal Length of Blog Posts for Different Types of Content

According to the best SEO services and analysis, articles that are 3,000 words or longer attract the most organic traffic. Let's take a look at the recommended blog post length for various blog post types.

·         Press releases - 500-800 words

·         Articles - 1000-5000 words

·         Blogs- 800-1000 words

·         Guides & how-to - 1500-2500 words

·         Piller pages - 3000+ words

However, the word count is not the only parameter for the effectiveness of your SEO content.

Success is largely dependent on the caliber of your writing and how thoroughly you cover your subject as well. That is why you need to seek professional SEO services where you will get high-quality content development services too. Besides the best SEO services, Webek Digital also provides content writing services as well. 

How to Determine the Length of Your Blog Post in 3 Easy Steps?

As previously stated, the ideal length for your blog post is determined by a variety of factors. When you invest in the services of the best SEO company in Dubai, the experts will plan the ideal blog posts for your brand in 3 easy steps:


They Will Determine Your Objective First

Great content marketers don't just start writing blog posts; they spend time strategizing and planning first. Webtek Digital’s SEO and content marketing experts begin by defining your goal for writing the blog post and assessing how it will help you achieve your larger business goals.

If you don't have a clear goal in mind, you may end up writing content for the sake of writing, without producing any meaningful business results. But that’s not the case when you hire the best SEO and content marketing company in Dubai.

The following are some examples of blog post objectives:

·         Having a high ranking in search engine results

·         Being circulated on social media

·         Creating leads and converting them

·         Obtaining trials following the announcement of a new product launch


Knowing the goal of your blog post will eventually help you make initial decisions about content length.

Defining Your Target Audience Is The Next Step

Another factor that can influence how long your blog post should be is your understanding of the intended audience. Different audiences consume content in various ways and require varying levels of knowledge. For example, if you're writing for a buyer persona who is always pressed for time, make your articles as concise and focused on one idea as possible.


Concentrating On Search Intent Rather Than Word Count

The primary goal that someone has when they type a keyword into a search engine or look for something online is referred to as search intent. Each piece of content should correspond with specific search intent, just as each blog post should have a clearly defined goal.

Analyzing search intent should also include evaluating the key aspects of content ranking for your target keyword. These are some examples:

·         The blog post's length

·         The author's tone of voice in the article

·         The article's main questions and subtopics

·         The blog post's structure (e.g., blog format, heading depth, and presence of lists)

·         The visuals and other page elements


How Long Should a Blog Post Be for SEO?

According to some findings from the State of Content Marketing Global Report 2022, length does correlate positively with organic views. As per research, posts with 3,000+ words receive 138% more page views than those with less than 500 words. Longer-form content also attracts more backlinks.

However, as previously stated, making your content longer makes sense only when it is necessary to fully cover the topic. There is no space for filler and irrelevant content. Webtek Digital’s best SEO services will help you define your blogging goal precisely.


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