Ashen skin: Causes, symptoms, treatment and types

This condition in which the skin appears pale and discolored is named Ashen skin. Anemia, liver problems, or other medical conditions cause it. In addition, people with ashen skin may experience fatigue, weakness, coldness in the limbs, and paleness of lips, palms, and nail beds. This article will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatments of ashen skin. 


Causes of Ashen skin


Anemia is a common cause of ashen skin. Iron deficiency, Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency, or chronic diseases like cancer, kidney disease, and liver disease are causing Anemia.

Liver Problems:

Cirrhosis of the liver causes jaundice which leads to an ashen skin tone.

Thyroid Disorders:

Hypothyroidism is associated with paleness in the skin due to reduced circulation.


Nutritional deficiencies can result in ashen skin due to decreased oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood cells.


Infections like malaria can also lead to ashen skin due to decreased red blood cell count and anemia.

Kidney Disease:

Chronic kidney disease can lead to anemia and ashen skin.


Particular types of cancer, such as leukemia, can cause ashen skin due to decreased red blood cell production or destruction of the red blood cells.


Smoking decreases the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream, which can cause ashen skin.


Excessive alcohol consumption leads to liver damage and reduced red blood cell production leading to anemia and ashen skin.

Heart Failure:

As the heart cannot adequately pump blood, decreased circulation can lead to an ashen complexion due to a lack of oxygen-rich blood reaching the extremities.

Low Blood Pressure:

A decrease in blood pressure can reduce the circulation of oxygen-rich blood to the skin, leading to an ashen complexion.


Particular medications, such as antacids and diuretics, can cause ashen skin due to reduced oxygen levels in the bloodstream.


Diabetes affects red blood cell production, decreasing the oxygen-carrying capacity of the bloodstream and resulting in an ashen complexion.

Autoimmune Disorders:

Autoimmune disorders like lupus can affect red blood cell production, leading to anemia and an ashen complexion.

Severe Stress or Anxiety:

Stress hormones released during stress or anxiety can cause changes in blood circulation, leading to an ashen complexion.

Exposure to Toxins:

Some toxins, such as arsenic, can lead to an ashen complexion due to decreased oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood cells.

Endocrine Diseases:

Certain endocrine diseases like Addison’s disease can cause ashen skin due to decreased oxygen-carrying capacity of the red blood cells.

Vitamin Deficiency:

A deficiency of specific vitamins such as B12 and folate can reduce red blood cell production, resulting in anemia and, thus, an ashen complexion.

Radiation Therapy:

Radiation therapy used for cancer treatment can cause the destruction of red blood cells, which leads to anemia and ashen skin.

Chronic Illnesses:

Chronic illnesses like HIV/AIDS can lead to anemia resulting in an ashen complexion.


Symptoms of Ashen Skin

 The following are some common symptoms associated with ashen skin: 

  •  Pale or yellowish skin tone
  • Dark circles under the eyes
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Coldness in the limbs
  • Paleness of lips, palms, and nail beds
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness and fainting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Headaches
  •  Weight loss
  • Nausea and vomiting

 Treatment of Ashen Skin

Treat the underlying cause:

Treatment of ashen skin depends on the underlying cause. For example, when it is due to anemia, your doctor may recommend iron supplements and other treatments to increase red blood cell production and oxygen-carrying capacity in the blood. If it is caused by a disease like kidney failure or liver cirrhosis, treating the underlying condition will help improve complexion.

Vitamin Supplements:

Vitamins such as B12 and folate are essential for red blood cell production; thus, supplementing with these vitamins can help improve complexion.

Increase Oxygen Intake:

Increase your oxygen intake either through deep breathing exercises or by engaging in activities that require more physical exertion. This can help improve circulation and reduce the pallor of the skin.

Quit smoking:

Quitting smoking can improve circulation and reduce the risk of an ashen complexion.

Vitamin C-Rich Foods:

Eating foods high in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits and dark leafy greens, can help increase iron absorption and thus improve red blood cell production.


 Regular exercise helps to increase circulation and improve oxygen delivery to the skin cells, leading to a healthier complexion.

Stress Management:

 Managing stress levels through yoga and meditation can help reduce the risk of an ashen complexion due to low circulation caused by stress hormones.

Healthy Diet:

Eating a healthy diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins helps keep your body functioning at its best and can help improve your complexion.

Skin Care:

Gentle skin care products like mild cleansers, moisturizers, and sunscreen can help protect the skin from environmental damage, which can contribute to an ashen complexion.

Consult a Doctor:

When experiencing ashen skin symptoms, consult your doctor to determine the underlying cause and get treatment.

Avoid Alcohol and Drugs:

Excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs can lead to ashen skin due to poor circulation.

Reduce Exposure to Toxins:

 If you are exposed to toxins regularly, take measures to reduce or avoid exposure to prevent an ashen complexion.

Avoid Overheating:

Hot temperatures can cause increased sweating, leading to dehydration and thus an ashen complexion; try to keep your body cool by avoiding extreme temperatures and wearing loose-fitting clothing when possible.

Adequate Sleep:

Getting enough sleep helps your body function at its best, including keeping skin healthy and reducing the risk of an ashen complexion.


Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps to keep your body hydrated and can help improve circulation.

Herbal Remedies:

Certain herbs like ashwagandha, ginseng, and licorice root have been known to help improve circulation and reduce the risk of an ashen complexion.

Limiting Sun Exposure:

Limiting sun exposure can help prevent skin damage that can lead to an ashen complexion; wear sunscreen if you are in the sun for extended periods.

Reduce Refined Sugar Intake:

Eating too much-refined sugar is linked to poor circulation and thus can contribute to an ashen complexion; reducing refined sugar intake could help improve your face.

Coconut Oil:

 Applying coconut oil to your skin can help improve circulation and reduce the risk of an ashen complexion.

Essential Oils:

Aromatherapy with essential oils such as lavender and rosemary can help improve circulation and keep skin looking healthy.

Types of Ashen skin.

Pale or White Skin:

Also known as pallor, this type of ashen complexion is due to a lack of red blood cells in the body and can be caused by anemia, low oxygen intake, or poor circulation.

Grey Skin Tone:

That skin tone is caused by decreased melanin production and can be attributed to certain medical conditions like vitiligo.

Sallow Complexion:

This complexion occurs when toxins in the body affect the average production of skin pigments; it can also be caused by excessive exposure to sunlight, excessive alcohol consumption, or smoking.

Yellowish Skin Tone:

That complexion is typically seen in individuals who suffer from jaundice; the accumulation of bilirubin in the body causes it.

Blue Skin Tone:

This ashen complexion may also be called cyanosis and can be caused by certain medical conditions or decreased oxygen levels in the blood.

Dark Spots on Skin:

These spots are usually associated with age, sun exposure, or other factors contributing to poor circulation; they are not considered a type of ashen complexion but may accompany one.

Dull Skin:

This face is caused by dehydration, lack of proper skin care, or decreased circulation; it can also be attributed to stress and fatigue.

Flaky or Dry Skin:

That type of skin can be caused by decreased circulation due to poor nutrition, dehydration, or weather conditions.

Itchy Skin:

This skin type can be caused by increased histamine levels, decreased circulation, or inflammatory skin conditions.

Blotchy Skin:

That type of complexion is caused by the uneven distribution of melanin in the skin and can be attributed to sun exposure, hormonal imbalance, or allergies.


Ashen skin can result from many different factors, ranging from medical issues to environmental damage, and it is vital to take steps to prevent it. For example, avoiding excessive alcohol consumption and reducing exposure to toxins is critical for keeping your complexion looking healthy. Additionally, ensuring you get enough sleep, stay hydrated, and eat a balanced diet all contribute to a bright and vibrant face. If you have concerns about ashen skin or other complexion-related issues, seek advice from a healthcare professional. 


What is Ashen skin?

Ashen skin is a pale or grayish complexion resulting from decreased circulation, lack of melanin production, or certain health conditions. 

What causes an ashen complexion?

The cause of an ashen complexion can vary, but it is usually caused by poor circulation, low oxygen intake, dehydration, sun exposure, or other environmental factors. 

The different types of ashen skin?

Here are the different types of ashen skin: 

  • pale or white skin (pallor)
  • grey skin tone
  • sallow complexion
  • yellowish skin tone
  • blue skin tone
  • dark spots on the skin
  •  dull skin
  • flaky/dry skin

Is ashen skin permanent?

Sometimes, an ashen complexion can be temporary and fade over time. In other cases, restoring the skin’s original color may require medical attention. 

What are the best treatments for ashen skin?

The best treatments for ashen skin depend on the condition’s underlying cause. However, lifestyle changes such as avoiding excessive sun exposure, staying hydrated, and eating a well-balanced diet can help improve circulation and reduce the risk of an ashen complexion. Additionally, aromatherapy with essential oils like lavender or rosemary can help improve circulation and keep skin looking healthy. 

Is there any way to prevent an ashen complexion?

Yes, taking measures like avoiding excessive alcohol consumption, limiting sun exposure, and using sunscreen can help reduce the risk of an ashen complexion. Additionally, eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep are all essential to preventing an unhealthy face. 

Can it be possible to treat ashen skin with home remedies?

Several home remedies may be beneficial for treating an ashen complexion, including drinking plenty of water, using a moisturizer or facial oil, and even massaging your face with warm coconut or jojoba oil. Additionally, some herbs like chamomile have shown promise in reducing the appearance of an unhealthy complexion. 

What other skin conditions should I look out for if I have ashen skin?

When you have an ashen complexion, looking for other skin conditions like dryness, itching, redness, and flaking is essential. Additionally, if these symptoms worsen or do not improve with home remedies, it is best to seek medical help. 

How can I make my ashen skin look more vibrant?

Staying hydrated and eating a balanced diet are critical steps in improving the appearance of your complexion. Additionally, using moisturizers and facial oils can help keep your skin looking healthy. Massaging your face with warm coconut or jojoba oil promotes circulation and restores vibrancy to an ashen complexion. 

Does ashen skin indicate a severe health issue?

An ashen complexion may sometimes be caused by more serious underlying health issues, such as anemia or poor blood circulation. When you have any concerns about your face, it is best to seek medical advice. 

Are there any natural remedies for ashen skin?

Yes, certain herbs like chamomile and lavender have been known to help improve the appearance of an unhealthy complexion. Additionally, essential oils like jojoba and coconut oil can restore vibrancy to your skin tone. 

Is there any professional treatments available for ashen skin?

Professional treatments such as laser treatments or chemical peels may help improve the appearance of an ashen complexion. Additionally, seeking professional medical advice can help determine if any underlying health conditions exist that could be causing your skin to appear unhealthy. 

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