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Oppenheimer Quoting Vishnu

by Brave the Vertigo

Winged Victory 00:00 / 12:56
  • Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album

    Original Artwork by Danielle Pecor, this is the first run of Brave the Vertigo's Oppenheimer Quoting Vishnu.

    Includes unlimited streaming of Oppenheimer Quoting Vishnu via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
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  • Streaming + Download

    Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Purchasable with gift card
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.

      $4 USD  or more


We are but modest flesh offerings - servile and pure I am humble and subservient - you know I am yours this winged chariot, silver plated - this Grand Artiste this great evil made this necessary radiate the ground, radiate the sky Time, time am I unlimited mouths and unlimited eyes you think your plight is so special, you're altruistic you bend the knee for the blazing deathlike faces if that is true you'll bend for my lash, as they bend before your might We've witnessed these mothers' infanticidal cries postpartum compassion - its wisdom and its lies will not I leave those wives and children to sift through ash how can I feed a million mouths ambrosia of the damned In this time of irreligion we are damned, so Krishna rise you're born of horror and divinity so pure, so make us clean again I see mothers suffocate their young to spare them the unspeakable I stand purified by the power of the sun become one of the blazing deathlike faces I beg of thee, take this life I hoist your lance to the sky my soveriegn, you own me, I'm but a spear . . . . I'm yours . . . .
Thirty pieces of silver has purchased me a limb with you tonight I don't need no forgiveness or sympathy I've got four feet of twine just this one kiss has earned my commission but low, my cost was too real how'd you feel if it was me that was crucified and you: the leviathan's meal Was I jealous then, when I saw you were smiling with him am I forsaken then, I only did as was told am I stupid then, I thought you my Rabbi and my friend am I forsaken then, I only did as was told Was it that I wasn't your rock or baptist and not your whore, you needed more not enough that I loved you best sat down for Seder and was dismissed: you requested this Venona/NKVD . . . KGB a true Zealot no Pharisee/Philistine I face HUAC and burn while you trumpet the ram-horn Thirty pieces of silver has purchased me a limb with you tonight I don't know if you're Stalin or Jesus Christ Joe Steel drape me in finest Red Lenin when time comes that I'm crucified I don't know if you're Stalin or Jesus Christ And you inspired us all this greatest of deeds, I lay at your feet while I betrayed us all, my profound defeat united and free
Yena 07:15
I fell down just to see if you were looking I made a mistake that night thanks for watching I needed you to take me home I was sick we fell asleep alone were you tricked? Sometimes I just can't get a grip it won't stick no tread I'm falling on the ice and I slip so chaste this abortive heart idyllic can't sum twenty years of shame in minutes we know it's hard sometimes just know I didn't want this to confuse you I just never thought I'd ever see it through you'll never read this and we'll not meet again sleep well with him, I say again, please leave me home You hope that it won't be hard for me to get it like a monogomy of crows: we're locked in trust me that I just want to hold your white wing but if I break it and let go, you're walking we know it's hard sometimes just know I didn't want this to confuse you I just never thought I'd ever see it through you'll never read this and we'll not meet again sleep well with him, I say again, please leave me home Your spacial memory of me will fade and he will fill my void you'll outgrown my scent, my touch, my voice and if my talons break this branch please dear, don't you watch me fall don't watch me fall And if such wings so colorful guide me to the ground just know they're only yours it's only you I'm thinking of won't you please let go it's better me than you
All the world's great heroines are dead you messenger, you talk to God you . . . let the blood that the villainess has bled tell the priestess tell her what you read I'm lucid now, what do I see? Oppenheimer Quoting Vishnu How does your armor still shine? I was fooled by your toothless Teresa smile set me up,saw a fool you refused to pray with strappado krav maga hearts strung me up, broke my wings too will your children survive? I'm lucid now, what do I see? silently, cautiously, you change scenes your narrative differences from mine Oppenheimer Quoting Vishnu to run away I've leagues to go how does your armor still shine? Maybe the world needs a heroine more than I need you those whom you crucify, are those that you imbue they'll find your empathy robs them of their dignity and leaves such shallow husks as it did to me, you Winged Victory Maybe the world needs a heroine more than I need you those whom you crucify, are those that you imbue they'll find your empathy robs them of their dignity and leaves such shallow husks you've no claim on me, you Winged Victory Who's the martyr on your altar? me, when I reap what you rend who's the hero in this conflict? you, and your agonist trend don't you think I deserved better don't you know what I mean? don't you tread upon my nightmares and I'll let your dreams leave you be.


released August 11, 2013

Oppenheimer Quoting Vishnu was engineered and produced by Francis Andreas 2011-2013 in Burlington, Vermont.
Drums and percussion performed by Chris Egner. Keyboards composed and performed by Chris Wilcox. Rhythm and Clean Guitars performed by Benjamin Bouchard. All Vocals, Lead Guitar, Bass Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, and some additional Rhythm Guitar performed by Francis Andreas. All lyrics and songs are composed by Francis Andreas.

Oppenheimer Quoting Vishnu was mixed by Egan O'rourke at TMC Laboratories in 2013
Mastered by Tony Lindgren at Fascination Street Studios in 2013
Original Artwork by Danielle Pecor


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Brave The Vertigo Burlington, Vermont

Brave the Vertigo is a progressive rock band from Burlington, Vermont.

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