G-Hero GABRIEL MORA New York bronx G-Hero was born in the Bronx New York , grew up listen to Daddy Yankee and big pun ,fat Joe ,R Kelly, 2PAC ,more . writing music since 13 years of age , has had plans of changing the world since six years old , English and Spanish songs with all kinds of beats making a feel good sound to bring the minds of this world up on a high level of understanding . .ALSO MY MOTHER SKIN IS BLACK AND MY FATHER SKIN IS WHITE NO TAN ONLY RED SO IT MAKES ME LOVE ALL COLORS ,ITS TIME TO FIX THE WORLD MAKE IT HEAVEN ON EARTH , I AM A PERSON THAT PROMISE MY MOTHER I WOULD CHANGE THE WORLD AND I WILL KEEP IT SHE CAN WATCH FROM HEAVEN G-Hero’s tracks TIMMY TURNER R&B REMIXE ADOG ENT. MANY ARTISTS by G-Hero published on 2022-02-28T14:32:54Z LATIN MIXTAPE REMIX ADOG ENT. SEARCH FOR STARS by G-Hero published on 2022-02-28T14:21:36Z MIXTAPE REMIX ADOG ENT. SEARCH FOR STARS by G-Hero published on 2022-02-28T14:18:17Z Lord Where He At by G-Hero published on 2020-05-15T23:58:07Z Waiting For The Rapture by G-Hero published on 2020-05-15T23:51:07Z The Lion Of Judah by G-Hero published on 2020-05-15T23:38:19Z Spiritual warfare by G-Hero published on 2020-01-30T21:47:26Z Faith in the King of the sky by G-Hero published on 2020-01-18T18:14:07Z KING KONG by G-Hero published on 2019-09-11T03:56:17Z SO SO REAL by G-Hero published on 2019-01-20T20:25:53Z