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Debizi Cruz

Other / Industrial Seattle, WA   US ... more




We are back in the studio recording a new song, which will be mixed and mastered in Portland at The Lab!

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very cool music, killer production. keep on rockin those tunes. rock on!

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Whyte Panther

It was odd stumbling across this site a year ago in October, a fluke really, but I got such a warm reception from the very beginning that I really didn't know what to make of it. There is an incredible amount of diverse musical talent here and we all support one another. Without all of this support and encouragement I never would be where I am with this "hobby" and passion of mine. I've just released the 4th double demo CD "Meet The Devil" and am working on the next TWO already... one with more originals and another of some of my favorite covers "Under The Covers". I even just banged out a quick and dirty video for my song "You Can't Fix Stupid" poking a little fun at some kids I saw in a Walmart parking lot one Saturday night... Check it out, it's funny as hell and I SWEAR it's a true story. I wanted to take a moment to just say thank you for your continued support and to encourage you to keep music in your hearts and share it with the ones you love... Wishing you much success in 2013. Thanks, Whyte Panther (Luigi)

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Profile picture for Celeste Arts

Celeste Arts


About the Artist

Debizi Cruz is Seattle based musicians Lowell Ausmus and Daniel Miller. They have both been in many projects with people from around the world ranging from classic rock, to progressive, to jazz and reggae. They now come ...

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