Don't let Tilikum's Death be in Vain - empty the tanks, SeaWorld

Don't let Tilikum's Death be in Vain - empty the tanks, SeaWorld
The Issue
Tilikum was the catalyst behind our student organization for the freedom of cetaceans-- Blue Freedom. It was his plight that inspired us.
January 6, 2017 Tilikum died.
Maybe the softer term would be that he passed away or that he’s resting peacefully.
But the truth is he died.
He did not die a natural death with the ocean waves there to carry him to his final resting place.
He did not die in his native waters, surrounded by family members he might have spent 50+ years with.
He did not die in a sea pen with salt water and caretakers who tried to give him back the most freedom that they could.
Tilikum died in a tank.
He died in a barren, artificial environment having spent the majority of his life being used for profit so schoolchildren and tourists could get splashed by “Shamu”.
He died of a bacterial lung infection at 35 years old so Sea World could use him to build up their captive orca collection and breeding program.
He died in Orlando, Florida, so very far from Iceland, so very far from home.
I think of how many labels Tilikum carried throughout his life in captivity. The whale that killed trainers. Sea World’s most notorious orca. The whale behind Blackfish.
I think about how all those things were cries for help from a creature who did not belong in a tank. Did not belong in captivity. Did not belong anywhere, but the ocean.
Yet there he was. And there he died.
We believe that his death should NOT be in vain... that his death should be a loud, clear signal to us to keep fighting for all of the whales and dolphins that still suffer in captivity. There is still hope.
Educate, discuss, protest, don’t buy a ticket. Keep fighting for them.Do whatever is within your power to see things change.
Keep fighting for the future Tilikum should have had.
By signing this petition, you are saying NO--
No, Tilikum's death will not be for nothing.
No, we will not tolerate this outdated, cruel, and archaic industry any longer.
No, we will NOT stop fighting.
-The Blue Freedom Team

The Issue
Tilikum was the catalyst behind our student organization for the freedom of cetaceans-- Blue Freedom. It was his plight that inspired us.
January 6, 2017 Tilikum died.
Maybe the softer term would be that he passed away or that he’s resting peacefully.
But the truth is he died.
He did not die a natural death with the ocean waves there to carry him to his final resting place.
He did not die in his native waters, surrounded by family members he might have spent 50+ years with.
He did not die in a sea pen with salt water and caretakers who tried to give him back the most freedom that they could.
Tilikum died in a tank.
He died in a barren, artificial environment having spent the majority of his life being used for profit so schoolchildren and tourists could get splashed by “Shamu”.
He died of a bacterial lung infection at 35 years old so Sea World could use him to build up their captive orca collection and breeding program.
He died in Orlando, Florida, so very far from Iceland, so very far from home.
I think of how many labels Tilikum carried throughout his life in captivity. The whale that killed trainers. Sea World’s most notorious orca. The whale behind Blackfish.
I think about how all those things were cries for help from a creature who did not belong in a tank. Did not belong in captivity. Did not belong anywhere, but the ocean.
Yet there he was. And there he died.
We believe that his death should NOT be in vain... that his death should be a loud, clear signal to us to keep fighting for all of the whales and dolphins that still suffer in captivity. There is still hope.
Educate, discuss, protest, don’t buy a ticket. Keep fighting for them.Do whatever is within your power to see things change.
Keep fighting for the future Tilikum should have had.
By signing this petition, you are saying NO--
No, Tilikum's death will not be for nothing.
No, we will not tolerate this outdated, cruel, and archaic industry any longer.
No, we will NOT stop fighting.
-The Blue Freedom Team

The Decision Makers
No response
- SeaWorld, Inc.
No response
The Supporters
Featured Comments
Holding these orcas and other animals hostage is inhumane and its evil to keep them in these small tanks and away from their homes where they should be living their lives, free to live and survive.
I still remember the times when I went to SeaWorld- before I knew what it really was. Don't let this happen again.
I used to love watching them as a kid. I had a summer birthday so we were regularly in Florida to celebrate. Now that I know what happens to them I don't think I could ever enjoy it. I've seen the videos and clips talking about the stories or that one documentary. Seeing what being in a tank does to the orcas is heartbreaking. We have to be the change, if not, they will never change even if the orcas are at constant risk.
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Petition created on October 31, 2012