"Bodinrocker proves that old-school isn’t dead – or even just resting...
Recommended for any fan of classic rock" (Hardrock Haven)
Rock 'n' Roll Star
New Single release 21th 0f August
Rock It The Right Way!
"It’s the sign of a good album when it makes you want to go back and check the previous ones. This one does just that" (The Rocker)
"Certainly puts in a good attempt in replicating Status Quo's signature sound" (Fireworks Magazine)
"Rockigt och rätt kul" (IKON 1931)
"Anyone who enjoys classic rock will find much to enjoy here" (Peter McCray)
"When Anders Bodin is an old man drinking a cold one on his porch and his grand kids ask him what he did back in the day, he can play this with a quiet, understated pride and smile" (Power Play)
Album Trailer
"Fans of the 1970s rocksound will absolutely love this record (Strutter Magazine)
"Any Status Quo fans out there should enjoy this" (Classic Rock Society)
"Not a very original album, but it sounds damn good" (Marios Metal Mania)
"Bodinrocker proves that old-school isn’t dead – or even just resting…Recommended for any fan of classic rock" (Hardrock Haven)
Mysterious Man is the second album by Bodinrocker released in april 2010. It´s an album loaded with melodies, guitar riffs, hammond organ, boogie and straight forward rock. Two singles have been released from the album, Scooter and Back on Track.
Hall of Flames is the first album by Bodinrocker released in nov 2006, but with this album still under the name Anders Bodin. The album is including the Status Quo Tribute song "And Soon They Start To Sing"
The Race is about the "GöteborgsVarvet Half Marathon". It is the biggest half marathon in the world. The track is included on the Rock It The Right Way album.
Roller Coaster Ride
A track from the album "Eye To Eye"
An interview and an acoustic version of "Hall of Flames" filmed by Titan television at an event at Frölunda firestation. This was part of the filming for the Swedish tv programme "112 på liv och död" where you could follow Anders Bodin in the Gothenburg ambulance service.
The Status Quo Tribute Song
"And Soon They Start To sing"