I am writing today to express my undying love and gratitude for the life of my friend, Paul Newell Hester. He brought joy, inspiration and laughter to our Finn Family. He was a musical force, the energy that poured forth from our stage that which held us enthralled, our sound formed around the swing and swagger of his rhythm.
For all of this, I’m grateful. The loss and the distance still hurts. I miss you, my dear friend.
My love and thoughts are with his family today.
Paul Hester 8 January 1959 – 26 March 2005
We have dropped our new video for Some Greater Plan (for Claire). It is somewhat of a homage to my dad, Richard Finn, and a wartime romance he wrote about in his diary. In a broader sense, it’s referring to the idea that each time we gather for music, we conjure up the spirits of those who went before and revitalise our will to express love and look forward. That’s the magical gift of music. I’m so grateful to you for tuning in and sharing that feeling.
Teenage Summer - Recording at La Fabrique in France. Videography by Myles O’Reilly.
Recently played:
- The Mullanes - Does Anyone Here Understand My Girlfriend (studio demo)
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- Neil & Liam Finn - Listen
- Neil, Liam & Elroy Finn - Whispers And Moans (Fangradio 17 April 2020)
- The Mullanes - Breaking My Back (live in Frankston 16-6-85 )
- Betchadupa - West Coast Religion
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- The Finn Brothers - Cemetery In The Rain
- Neil Finn - A World Away (film demo)
- Finn Brothers - Last Day Of June (live at The Union Chapel, Islington, London. November 1995)
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The audio player below will be active whenever Neil webcasts a live Fangradio show via Mixlr. During a live webcast, join in the chat at fangradio.mixlr.com
Liam opened many of our US and UK shows in his own inimitable style with humour, melody and mayhem. We always find the audience leaning forward and fully engaged after his flights of fancy. Here’s another taste of that spirit from his Hyperverse collection.
It was a delight to get Elroy’s mysterious new song The Other in our setlist, it’s different and fresh to my ears… I invite you to have another listen.
These children at Aberdare Ranges School were responding to 'OH HI' which was inspired by and created for them. I was so glad they liked it! It means a lot to us to have our music be helping to educate and empower young Africans to break out of the poverty cycle. These kids have few opportunities to make their voices heard but they are magnificent and the world needs them.
‘So They Can’ currently supports 51 schools in East Africa providing education for 33,000 children. They’re aiming for 500 schools supporting 400,000. We are all together on a mission to to get 1 million people to donate $1 per month (or one person to donate a $million). Be a part of this.
Find out more and sign up today at https://areyou1inamillion.org
Welcome to NeilFinn.com. Many of you will be aware that I have decided to disengage from social media. However, I will continue to engage with the people who support my music. My relationship with you the audience is precious and I am eternally grateful for the level of passion and support that exists for my work. It inspires me to do better music and to keep it coming.
I have made this website the hub for increased personal communication and activity, including a regular newsletter which I write and do postings for new music, photos, video pieces and news of live shows as well as links to people and ideas that interest me.
You can sign up below to receive regular email newsletters from me.
We won’t let them win.