guiding lights, burning through the fog
Sackville, NB (2) by ronald embree
LDN 1235, Shark
Sunset is overrated, lets talk about ethereal beauty of dawn✨
so the shortest day came, and the year died.
and everywhere down the centuries of the snow-white world
came people singing, dancing,
to drive the dark away.
—Susan Cooper
I am waiting for the next time.
It is magical how lights in the sky can unite us as human beings and capture almost everyone’s attention.
I feel like a little girl again or like a bug (do both have the same attention span? idk).
The thing is, I can be easily hypnotized by a beautiful sunset, a New Year’s sunrise, a summer night full of stars, the moon, fireworks, or a drone show. I mean, I can´t resist it.
Do I have a problem?
Well, yes but, that’s not the point…
Lily Allen, Urb Magazine January 2007
Spring, even though we can’t see it, even though it’s frozen, it’s already on its way // part 2
eulàlia valldosera, "candle (burns series #5),“ 1990-1991