February 22, 2014
"BLACK LODGE" pressage vinyl du 1er album de RED CITY NOISE
We need you to release in vinyl format the first Red City Noise album!

End date
Out of €1,225
102 %
"BLACK LODGE" pressage vinyl du 1er album de RED CITY NOISE
New and first album for <strong><a href="http://redcitynoise.free.fr/">Red City Noise </a>! « Black Lodge »</strong>(his name)<strong> </strong>is ready to be digitally released<strong> and it’s waiting only you for a deluxe physical one !</strong></p>
<strong> </strong></p>
14 songs, 52 intense minutes, nothing left to chance. <strong>Digital No Wave music, for autistic people, energetic nerds.</strong></p>
Since 2011 and the creation of the band, Red City Noise hasn’t been lazy : <strong>gigs in France (Lyon, Paris, Montpellier, Clermont Ferrand, Nîmes, etc.) as well as abroad (Switzerland, Germany etc) </strong>and various appearences (compilations, tribute to Jean Rollin, A21 remixes).<strong> </strong>Then the surprise in 2012, Al and Dorian on guitars complete the mythic digital hardcore duet <strong><a href="http://www.ambassador21.com/">AMBASSADOR21</a>. </strong><strong>It was time in 2013 to show everyone what RCN was capable of in studio.</strong></p>
The aim of this operation is simple : <strong>financing the LP pressing expenses. </strong>RCN wants to fully control everything they produce. That’s why the 1st album will be released on their own label<strong> I DISAGREE</strong>. No endless waiting for an album to be released, no artistic compromises etc. This will allow the fans and the future listeners to hold in their hands a beautiful item, released in 100 copies of limited edition 2xLP deluxe, in addition of the digital release (available on <a href="https://redcitynoise.bandcamp.com/">bandcamp</a>).</p>
Why asking for your contribution ?<strong> With your donation, you will help a band finalizing his album et you’ll gain advantages : lower price album, various goodies and others little good things (details on the right of this page)</strong>.</p>
Why the band doesn’t finance the vinyl release themselves ? The 3 members of the band are students or beginning workers. It is therefore pretty hard to gather big amounts. They’ve managed by themselves until now for the band expenses (instruments, amps, effects, laptop, tour vehicle etc). This album also required various charges that the band already took care of (recording, mixing in quality conditions, professional mastering). So for LP pressing we ask the help of the audience, of fans, of passionate people.</p>
End of the hogwash, <strong>we sincerely thank in advance all of the participants, you don’t mesure how your help and kind words are precious to us.</strong></p>
<strong><strong>Extract of an album </strong><a href="http://www.lesimmortels.com/blog/chronique-musicale/6341/2013/10/29/red-city-noise-black-lodge-2013-autoproduit/">review</a> <strong>by the webzine « Les Immortels » :</strong></strong></p>
<em>(…) Because under the first impressions in « trompe l’oreille « of the intro riff, this album is dark and cold, melodic and meticulous (…) Absolutely disrepectful, their psycodirtychaos is to be respected. Totally.</em></p>
<img alt="Test1web" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/48891/test1web.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Livret2web" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/48892/livret2web.jpg"></p>
<iframe frameborder="0" height="120" src="http://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=543240747/size=medium/bgcol=FFFFFF/linkcol=4285BB/transparent=true/" width="540"></iframe></p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2Fl-gVNJsoUCs%3Fwmode%3Dopaque%26feature%3Doembed&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dl-gVNJsoUCs&image=http%3A%2F%2Fi1.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2Fl-gVNJsoUCs%2Fhqdefault.jpg&key=4bca658af8d811e08ea84040d3dc5c07&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe>
<img alt="_-2" height="253" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/48895/_-2.jpg" width="381"><img alt="Kup3nwi" height="265" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/48894/Kup3NWi.jpg" width="177"> <img alt="Img_0927" height="168" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/48897/IMG_0927.JPG" width="253"> <img alt="P3web" height="167" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/48898/P3web.jpg" width="234"></p>
Red City Noise:</p>
Dorian (throat noises, strings scratching, midi welds)</p>
Alex (strings ruining, hard choir, [anti] analog soundscaping)</p>
Ed (6 barrel Les Paul & appendicitis)</p>
Allocation of funds
1. To press the LP in 100 copies (quality pressing, in France). Cost of the production inclusive of tax :</p>
<strong>1135€ inclusive of tax with :</strong></p>
- lacquer engraving (vintage analog sound)</p>
- development expenses</p>
- pressing of two 160 grams LP’s (2 sides on the first, 1 side on the second)</p>
- label (1 to 4 colors)</p>
- white paper Inside sleeve with 2 holes</p>
- color printed sleeve, back 4mm (4 colors CMJN WTF)</p>
- shipping</p>
The shipping cost to get the LP will be exclusively free for the collect participants.</p>
2. KKBB takes a 5% commission + 3% bank charges</p>
Therefore we have to add <strong>90€ (8% of 1135€)</strong> to compensate</p>
3. If the initial budget is exceeded, we may :</p>
- produce new exclusive stickers</p>
- press 200 LP’s instead of 100 for 1405€</p>
- help the band for their future expenses</p>
- 3 contributions
Digital Album
Digital Album + 1 photo printing from our roadmovies+stickers+button
- 5 contributions
- 5 contributions
Vinyl+Digital+1 photo printing […]+stickers+button.
- 3 contributions
Vinyl+Digital+ Exclusive tracks in mp3+stickers+button.
- 5 contributions
Vinyl in deluxe edition+Digital+stickers+button+Guest list
Previous rewards + tee shirt+ Custom design+ 1Paper craft
- 2 contributions
Previous rewards + Exclusive tracks on cd with home-made artwork.
Previous rewards + Guest list for life
Previous rewards + Original track on your request
Previous rewards +1 dinner prepared by RCN’s members