- on billpowerssr's post on bekky's page
- on bekky's post on alicemadness69's page
- on Saying 'hi' with fetish photos in fetish photography
- on Social Media Thread in big boob appreciation
- on rdnckproud's post on bekky's page
- on korppi's post on bekky's page

Well as u can see there where no shortage of laughs on this shoot!

Im going to be starting my first set on Monday.
I was wanting some feed back on what u guys would like to see in this sets.
Or what kind of theme u think would look good?
I was thinking a vampire sort of theme...
Would really appreciate the feed back!!!
Thanks guys XxXxX

This was one of my favourite shots I've done and one of the most scariest! Enjoy... ;-0

I love the beach! Perfect for cleansing! Hope u enjoy....

Im still new to all this...
Cant wait to get my first set submitted...
Looking forward to meeting new and like minded ppl...
Don't be a stranger.