Vitriol Releases available from Europe for manageable shipping rates

Vitriol Records Releases in Europe 

What is up people, have some releases that I left in Berlin and can be ordered for a German flat rate of $7/$8 and UK for around $11. These are in limited quantities, more items coming soon, but for now if you were waiting to order any of these because of shipping you can get it. Order at and they will be shipped to you from Europe. Some of these will also be available in Store in Berlin at Bis Aufs Messer or on their online shoppe. 

If you are a store or a label and are interested in distro rates on anything hit me up and we can sort, many of the titles, specifically Graf Orlock "End Credits" + "Doombox", Generacion Suicida "Regeneracion" and Sweat "Love Child" are available there en masse.

Comadre/Glasses 2 x 7” Split

Daisy Chain “The World is Not Spinning” LP 

Dangers “Anger” LP

Dangers “Kiss With Spit” 7”

Dangers “The Bend in the Break” LP 

Generacion Suicida “Regeneración” LP 

Ghostlimb “Confluence” LP 

Ghostlimb “Difficult Loves” LP 

Ghostlimb “S/T+Bearing & Distance” LP

Ghostlimb “The Only Measure is Labor Done, Not Days” LP + Book

Graf Orlock “Crimetraveler” LP 

Graf Orlock “Destination Time Yesterday” LP

Graf Orlock “Doombox” 10+CD 

Graf Orlock “End Credits” 7”

Graf Orlock “Examination of Violent Cinema Vol 1.”  LP

Neolithic “Shattering Vessels” LP 

Supervoid Choral Ensemble “S/T” 7”

Sweat/Negative Blast Split 7” 

Sweat “Love Child” LP (Orange or Black) 


Second to last GOrlock Show Echoplex Dec 15 w Thou/Dangers/Supervoid Choral Ensemble tickets up Tue Sept 12

Alright people, this is the last announcement for the final shows of Gorlock coming up to the end of the year. This one announced and being ticketed today at 10am Sept 12 PST is the one for Dec 15 Friday at the Echoplex w/ Thou, Dangers and The Supervoid Choral Ensemble. LINK FOR TICKETS IS HERE

This is what the end of the year looks like:

Sat Sept 16th St Vitus, Brooklyn (Get tickets now!) w/Sweat, the Sawtooth Grin and Flouride

Friday Dec 15th Echoplex w/Thou, Dangers and Supervoid Choral Ensemble

Sat Dec 16th Chain Reaction, Nakatomi Christmas Party w/ just Gorlock


Last Graf Orlock show tickets up now

Alright people finally some announcements on the Graf Orlock front. There are three shows left to the end of the year and then rest is the cutting room floor.

This is what that will look like:

Sept 16th St Vitus, Brooklyn (LAST EAST COAST SHOW is next week get tickets HERE)

Dec 15th Los Angeles, Details TBA

Dec 16th, Chain Reaction, Anaheim (LAST SHOW, Tickets available HERE)

This is going to be it. There will be some other cool stuff announced in the run up and the final shows will be stupid and ridiculous to say the least. The last shows in Dec fall a week prior to the 20 year anniversary of our first show in 2003. Get on it.


Reprint of the Los Angeles Gorlock shirt peep it

Check it out at the Webstore HERE
