


pro recovery ❤



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stop believing that you ran out of time to shape yourself into who you want to be! stop believing that its ruined! stop believing you don’t have potential! you are not a fixed being! you have endless opportunities to grow.


one reason for every pound of my ultimate goal weight

idea from @strxberry-fairy

1. i can cross “being fat” off of the list of reasons why i hate myself

2. my body won’t jiggle with every step i take

3. i can finally feel beautiful

4. i can look like the skinny girls at my school

5. i won’t get winded after going up a flight of stairs or walking long distances

6. i won’t be the fat friend

7. i won’t be embarrassed about shopping with other people

8. i can share clothes with my friends, and if i’m lucky, they’ll be big on me

9. i’ll be able to see what my skeleton looks like

10. i’ll be able to exercise with ease

11. i can comfortably fit in the special locker at school

12. instead of having an hourglass figure because i’m fat, i’ll have an hourglass figure because that’s the way my body is designed

13. i’ll finally have control over something in my life

14. i’ll concern people with how small i am

15. i’ll have a low bmi

16. i’ll be able to have sex with my partner without feeling ashamed of myself

17. i won’t have to worry about how much i weigh when my friends or my partner pick me up

18. my hands will be thin and beautiful

19. my stomach will be flat

20. i’ll have a sharp jawline

21. i can wear my hair any way i want

22. i won’t have to hide my double chin in my shirt when i’m laying down

23. i’ll look taller

24. i can wear anything i want

25. my glasses will fit my face properly

26. no one will judge me for eating a lot, because they’ll think i need to put some meat on my bones

27. i’ll be taken seriously

28. my weight won’t be used as an insult anymore

29. i’ll be the only skinny person in my house

30. i’ll look good in a bikini

31. my skin will clear up

32. my thighs won’t rub together when i walk

33. i won’t smell as bad after working out

34. smoother skin

35. less cellulite

36. no more back fat

37. a size medium-large will look huge on me

38. oversized clothes will actually be oversized

39. saving money on food

40. eating around people without feeling embarrassed

41. prominent collarbones

42. small shoulders

43. feeling full after a small portion

44. wearing chokers

45. no weird lump of fat on the back of my neck

46. no more stretch marks

47. perkier boobs

48. perkier butt

49. being my own thinspo

50. knowing that shops will always have my size

51. not having to ask the store employees if they have any bigger sizes in the back

52. to finally be considered healthy

53. not being ashamed of the number on the scale

54. doctors visits won’t include lectures about losing weight, diet, or exercise

55. drinking iced coffee and not feeling guilty

56. to look good in pictures

57. smiling won’t involve all the fat on my face distorting it

58. not having to count calories

59. i’ll look good in my school uniform

60. people will look at me with envy instead of disgust

61. walking my dog while people watch without being embarrassed

62. longboarding while people watch without being embarrassed

63. riding my bike while people watch without being embarrassed

64. i’ll get invited places

65. jumping in bodies of water won’t make huge splashes

66. being able to have more time for school, leading to better grades

67. i’ll be less depressed

68. people will ask me how i did it

69. i’ll be praised for being so small

70. all the years of work will have finally paid off

71. more people will like me

72. no more love handles

73. fitting in pants without any fat hanging over

74. having a fast metabolism

75. being asked “do you even eat?”

76. fitting up to four people in your bed because you don’t take up much space

77. sweating less

78. my thighs won’t appear to double in size when i sit down

79. i’ll be able to fit comfortably in rollercoasters, and have the lap bar down lower than my friends

80. to get drunker/higher

81. to wear chunky white sneakers and have them look huge compared to my small ankles

82. i can get piggyback rides without fear

83. i can sit on peoples laps without fear

84. no more ugly chafing in between my legs

85. to walk up all the stairs at school with no issue

86. i’ll be cold all the time

87. a warm drink will satisfy me

88. to be the friend that never eats

89. so i can be vegan without it feeling like a weight loss strategy

90. even when i’m bloated, it won’t be visible

91. i can wear low rise jeans, even though they’re not very trendy

92. being able to make tiktoks without worrying about how fat i am

93. the feeling of water on an empty stomach will be more euphoric when i’m small

94. thigh high socks won’t roll down

95. i won’t look like a whale from the side

96. i’ll forget to eat instead of intentionally not eating

97. i won’t just feel beautiful, i’ll know i’m beautiful

98. i’ll have collarbones that can hold rainwater

99. bracelets and hair ties will be loose on my wrists

100. no more cameltoe

101. not having to pose to look thin

102. posting on instagram more frequently

103. i’ll have a smaller face

104. i can wear leggings without my stomach showing

105. i can buy athletic clothes with no shame

106. i’ll work out because i want to, not because i have to

107. i’ll be more attractive

108. there will be less area to shave

109. the number on the scale won’t matter anymore

110. i’ll “recover”

111. i’ll be treated better

112. my family will be shocked

113. my friends will be shocked

114. strangers will be shocked

115. i’ll finally be skinny

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