Monday, 3 November 2014

JEE Advanced 2015 Exam Pattern

This article about JEE Advanced 2015 Exam Pattern will share complete details about the pattern used in the exam of JEE Advanced. But before that candidates must be aware of the fact that to appear in the exam of JEE Advanced, they must qualify JEE Main first.
Well in case of exam pattern, we will be providing details for types of questions, level of exam, number of papers, total time allotted, etc. Go ahead and grab all the information from this article and use it to score as good as you can.
JEE Advanced 2015 Exam Pattern:
If a candidate has knowledge about JEE Advanced 2015 Exam Pattern then it is obvious that he/she will prepare for the exam according to that pattern. This strategy will lead applicants to score good marks. Candidates need a scheduled and strategic preparation technique to qualify in exam. The pattern used are:
  • There will be two papers which must be solved by the candidates.
  • Each paper will be of 180 minutes.
  • All the papers will be available in both the languages (English and Hindi).
  • Paper will be objective type.
  • Some sections will be having negative marking for wrong answers.
  • Questions in exam will be asked from mathematics, chemistry and physics.
  • Applicants will be given carbon less papers (two sheets).
  • Either black or blue pen must only be used by the candidates.
  • The upper sheet must be submitted by them whereas the lower sheet can be taken by them.
JEE Advanced 2015 Exam Pattern- Benefits:
There are various benefits of having in advance knowledge of JEE Advanced 2015 Exam Pattern. The exam pattern will:

  • Help candidates to know about various facts related to the exam.
  • They will be able to score better after knowing about the exam pattern.
  • They can prepare their own strategy for preparation.

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