JEE Advanced 2015 Important Dates

11/04/2014 15:08

JEE Advanced 2015 Important Dates, the topic itself describes that this factor is quite important in case of exam. Candidates must have information about all the dates and the events of those dates and complete their work on time. If an applicant does not have knowledge about these dates then it is a possibility that they miss a very important event for the exam.

For eg. if a particular candidate is unaware of last date of form submission then they might get late in submitting their form which in result will to late submission. They might also not be able to sit in the exam.

JEE Advanced 2015 Important Dates:

All the JEE Advanced 2015 Important Dates has been declared by the board therefore candidates must update their data for the exam. For the ease of understanding we are hereby providing the table for all the dates and the respective events on that dates.

Important Events

Important Dates

Window for Online Registration Opens

2 May – 7 May (10:00 to 17:00)

Admit Card for JEE Advanced 2015 can be Issued

9 May – 12 May (10:00 to 17:00)

Rectification of Discrepancies in Admit Card

9 May – 14 May (10:15 to 17:00)

JEE Advanced- Paper I

24th May (9:00 to 12:00)

JEE Advanced- Paper II

24th May (14:00 to 17:00)

ORS Image and Scanned Response will be Displaced

3 June – 5 June (10:00 to 17:00)

Candidates can Request for Review of their Scanned Response

3 June – 6 June (10:00 to 17:00)

Official Answer Key of JEE Advanced 2015

8 June (12:00)

Candidates can send Feedback regarding Answer Key

8 June – 11 June (12:00 to 17:00)

Display of Marks Allotted to Candidates

13 June (12:00)

Registration for AAT

18 June – 19 June (10:00 to 17:00)

Result of JEE Advanced 2015 Announcement

18 June (10:00)

We hope that this article will help candidates to ensure all the JEE Advanced 2015 Important Dates and it will also ends the rumors of JEE termination from this year.

NOTE: All the JEE Advanced 2015 Important Dates provided above are genuine and is released officially.

For any other information applicants can visit the website of JEE or contact the help desk.

Related Link : JEE Advanced 2015 Admit Card