Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Camille inspires me!

This girl really lingers into my head especially her gorgeous and fun outfit to add pa her world trip. She helped me to awaken the spirit of broadcasting oneself passion in life... that's why I'am doing this now!...
Fire burning... Dreams are coming!

Hope you continually follow me and see how I grow not as a newbie blogger but as an individual with full of "pa artista" dream!... Labalab much

Our FEISTY JERSEY -- "Best in Uniform"

When it comes to ARTISTRY we can be on the top of the game! PINK PANTHER awarded as BEST IN UNIFORM!.
"Sa inyo na sports sa amin na ang kaartehan!" harhar.

 Together with our Big Boss WLC as we received our award for Best in Uniform (actually assumera na kami na kami mananalo ee.. that's CONFIDENCE! haha)

At the center, boss from Corporate Services actually she was also from the Golden Tigers (rival team) Ms. Kaketh joined our few but crazy and loud team for some photo taking. :)

 Pink Panther's SWEET and INNOCENT CAT MUSE tadaaaa... its EVICA!!!

Players joined the parade and recited their oath for sportsmanship.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Pink! Go! Pink Fight!
Pink Panther Fight! Fight! Fight!

We may not take home the 1st place for the cheer dance competition of GERILYMPICS 2013 but definitely we define to work on strength despite that we are less in number.

Since we don't have boys member we focused on a definitely stunning figures that made the crowd cheer loud!

P.S. Unfortunately I can't upload here the video :( maybe the file was too big! But if I have the chance I'll try it again argh!!! (too much excited to share pa nman!)

By the way, we are declared as BEST IN UNIFORM! Well then its obvious!
Just see the photos on how we kick our butts and made the loudest "meow" at the dance floor.

 The tribal panthers opening angs!!!
 Everybody can still dance. Even our mothers bend their muscles to the extreme! Hu! Ha!

Hello, they were surprised because of its visual effect.
 Flower figure. Hoping for more dancers to showcase the beauty of this routine.


Thank you to our loudest snare drum! It add to our adrenaline esp sa cheerful panther boosters!!!.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


This is a sneak peek video on our practice.
Still having fun at that time. But now its the other way na.. malapit na kc ee argh!.
And the girl who "cover" the camera... its Hazel, our supportive watcher LOL.
Wait until I post our cheer dance video.. how we fight and WIN! (assuming!) well that's the spirit!